How Birla High School Mukundapur Makes School Transport Secure for Your Child

Posted by BHS Mukundapur Team
Jan 3, 2019

The sight of a school bus in the morning is something we all love. The bright and happy faces of the children on-board and the bus itself, is an important part of the identity of a school student. For some of us living in the cities, it is optional owning to the ample availability of public commute options but school transportation is one of the important points parents look for while zeroing in on a school.

With technological advancements, school buses have reformed remarkably and are safer and more comfortable. Here, in this article, we will list down 4 reasons why futuristic schools like the Birla High School Mukundapur, encourage students to choose school buses over personal commute. Also, we’ll discuss how tracking technology is a must-have in such buses.

School bus or personal vehicle- which one’s better?

While choosing a school bus may seem like an option only in smaller towns and cities, it is not so. There are several benefits of encouraging your child to commute to and from school on a school bus. Here are 4 reasons you can consider.

1.   Eases out traffic- Keeping in mind the ever-growing number of cars on the road, city dwellers should opt for shared transport whenever possible. A school bus can comfortably seat 50-70 children and removes at least 40 cars on an average. Road congestion is a major urban problem and every effort you put towards reducing it, is worth the effort.

2. Reduces pollution- Let’s face it, climate change and environmental issues are no longer ignorable. Using school buses reduces the number of cars on the road and aids in reducing the air and noise pollution index. As they say, learning by example is the best kind of learning, encouraging your child to use school bus services, is a step towards ensuring a greener planet.

3.  Increased safety- All school buses are yellow in colour, making them clearly visible in the peripheral vision of other drivers. Most schools hire skilled, professional drivers to drive these buses to ensure topmost safety while commuting. Also, all school buses have guards to escort kids while pickup and drop. With modern advancements in IoT and tracking technology, parents can now monitor the bus’s movements. This is an added security feature these days.

4. School accessibility- Needless to say, school buses are a boon for parents who do not own personal vehicles or work odd hours. They make schools accessible to everyone. Transportation charges are very humbly set to allow everyone to use it. Easy access to good education is a basic need in today’s time and by making it easily available, school buses are becoming a must-have for all schools.

These were some of the advantages of using school transport over personal commute. Other than these, using a school bus helps children open up and make friends. Discipline and time management is another key benefit of using them. In the next paragraph, let us understand how modern technological advances are making school buses safer for children.

Use of tracking technology in school buses

Security of children in schools is pressing issue today. Not only the campus, but also in school buses. A combination of GPS (Global Positioning System) and RFI (Radio Frequency Identification) is used to make school buses more secure.

Many schools are investing in GPS-enabled buses to allow school authorities and parents track the position, route and student attendance.

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