Home Remedies For Low Milk Supply - Natural And Effective Treatment

Posted by Peter Filinovich
Aug 15, 2011
If your baby is not gaining weight properly or not wetting diapers regularly, it may indicate that your milk supply is not enough for your baby. Even though the production of breast milk is a natural process, several factors can affect the supply of milk. It has been seen that secretion and flow of milk can be reduced by stress, hormonal disparities, insufficient glandular tissue, intake of hormonal contraceptive pills, use of some medications and by a previous breast surgery. Certain underlying conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and high blood pressure can also decrease the milk supply.

In most cases, low milk production can be due to inadequate latch-on by the baby. Correcting this problem may be enough to deal with your low milk supply. Make sure that your baby is latching properly and sucking efficiently. Stress is another reason that causes insufficient milk production. Try to reduce your stress and take some time everyday to rest and relax your body and mind. Even if you feel that your milk is not sufficient, you should not stop breastfeeding your baby. Remember that frequent breast feeding is the best way to produce more milk. Nurse your baby every two or three hours. You can also use some home remedies for low milk supply to improve your milk production

Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet is undoubtedly one of the effective home remedies for low milk supply. Never try to lose weight or cut down calories while breastfeeding. You should consume foods that are rich in vitamin A, protein, essential fatty acids, iron, and calcium Ensure to intake plenty of green vegetables, fish, diary products, whole grains, and fish. Vegetables like carrot and beetroot can assist you increase the amount of your breast milk. Likewise, nuts such as cashew nuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts are helpful to augment your milk. Other lactogenic foods include barley, rice, oats, and several types of legumes, including lentils and chickpeas.

Smoking affects your milk production and so it is very important to not to smoke during breastfeeding. Drink plenty of milk, as dehydration can lower your breast milk production. Massaging and pumping the breasts are good home remedies for low milk supply. Massage your breasts with fingers to clear the milk channels in the breast and thereby increase milk supply. Similarly, stimulate your breasts with a breast pump after each feeding in order to fully drain the breasts and to boost the milk supply.

Some herbs can be used as home remedies for low milk supply. Fenugreek is considered as a good natural cure for this condition. Mix half to one teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seeds with water, juice, or milk and take it internally. You should drink this mixture three times daily. Fenugreek tea is also beneficial to improve the flow of breast milk. Drinking fennel tea three times a day is another best home remedy for insufficient milk production. Put one to two teaspoons of powdered fennel seeds into boiling water, boil it for five to ten minutes, and then sweeten it with sugar or honey.

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