Hilton hotels in Palm Desert California- an epitome of luxury

Posted by Sandrila Jones
Mar 26, 2013
We all know how only work without play makes Jack a dull boy. Nonetheless this now cliched proverbial statement still has relevance in our generation & many more generations that are yet to come, I presume. Wise men Hilton hotels in Palm Desert Californiasay that business should never be mixed with pleasure as it ruins both. And in the current scenario, there is hardly anyone who understands pleasure better than the Hilton people. Conrad Hilton, the legendary founder of this eponymous group of hotels & leisure business, had started the journey by acquiring the 40-room Mobley hotel in Texas in 1919.Since then the company has gone under several makeover and partitions in operations, only to be bought out finally by Blackstone Group. Having footprint in over 91 countries and across 24 time zones, The Hilton Worldwide is the fifth largest operational chain of hotels. And Home wood Suites, the signature Hilton hotels in Palm Desert California, is just another mark of their passion for hospitality.

The warmth in the typical California weather coupled with the posh of El Paseo business district is what on offering in the 3 star all-suite Hilton franchise in palm desert. The vantage point that the hotel is present at overlooking the nearby freeway enables the guests to have a view of nearby golf course & living desert zoo & garden. From the complimentary hot breakfast on arrival to king-size soft pillow bed & full size refrigerator every aspect has been met with utter care. The motto which drives the whole entourage of staff is making the guest to feel at home outside home. Every Home wood suite has this in common but the thing that makes the palm desert hotel stand out is the locales that are accessible from it. Be it enjoying tennis at the Indian Wells or going for a downtown drive at the upscale El Paseo to get some eye-grabbing collections on the avail at more than 150 boutiques and art galleries; the memories are bound to be relished on for a long time down memory lane.

The never ending list of fun & frolic does end here. To transform the short stay into a long-term relationship the hotel authority provides some added bonus like complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the stay or 24 hour on site store for covering all the daily needs. The bottom-line that suits such service at Hilton hotels in Palm Desert California is – this oasis of pleasure can’t be explored in a single stay.

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