Help Increase Sales of Micro and Small Business Products

Posted by Achmad S.
Sep 8, 2021

Help Increase Sales of Micro and Small Business Products

Hi everyone,

I am Achmad, an ordinary citizen who lives in Jakarta, Indonesia and wants to help market products and increase product sales for small businesses in the food and beverage sector by online.

To make this happen, I have created a culinary marketplace called Rasamantap ( Currently, the marketplace has helped market nearly 200 products for small business owners in the food and beverage sector who live in the city of Jakarta.

I am looking for financial support so that can reach more small business owners, become better known locally and nationally so that this marketplace has a bigger role in helping marketing and increasing sales of small business products in the food & beverage sector.

I will use the collected funds to develop by using a better platform so that other small business owners can easily upload their products on

Thank you all for viewing and considering playing a part in this cause by donating your money. 

I would love it if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share my project!

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