Hardware Prototyping - Get on Board Or Get Left Behind
"Hardware Prototyping"... sounds futuristic and high-tech doesn't it? Until recently, that would have been true, but not anymore. Many businesses are finding this out the hard way.
In a nutshell, Hardware Prototyping is the use of computer software to create parts and assemblies electronically. The days when two-dimensional AutoCAD was cutting edge technology are long gone. An independent study by the Aberdeen Group found that best-in-class manufacturers use Hardware Prototyping to build half the number of physical prototypes, get to market an average of 58 days faster, and incur 48% lower prototyping costs.
It's not enough anymore to create two-dimensional drawings using a computer. Even the creation of parts inside of a computer (a process known as "solid modeling") is becoming old technology. Until relatively recently, both the software and the hardware necessary to create and test solid models was prohibitively expensive, but computers have advanced to the point where this technology has become affordable for main-stream businesses. Today, if you're not creating, testing, and marketing products inside of a computer without ever creating a physical prototype, you're missing the boat.
Let me give you an example from my own experience. I worked on a project at Whirlpool Corporation that involved the development of a new line of ranges. All of the components were created as solid models and assembled so that a complete assembly of the range existed electronically. Some prototypes were built and tested, and it was found that there was a strength issue with the frame. I used the solid models and an FEA (finite element analysis) software package to analyze several different scenarios for a fix. Physical parts were then created, tested, and approved for manufacturing. The entire redesign process took less than 3 weeks and required only one iteration of physical prototypes!
For anybody who has worked on design issues with high volume manufacturing, you know how monumental the above timeline is. Without the aid of digital prototyping, the same process that took me 3 weeks could have easily taken 12 weeks or more and cost at least double or triple in materials and model shop time. Weigh that against the cost of the computers and software required to do the analysis, and it becomes obvious why the technology has become not just a competitive edge, but a competitive necessity.
Business owners today are looking for new and ingenious ways to cut costs and drive efficiency higher, but some of these business owners are still stuck in the 2D world. Using only 2D AutoCAD today is akin to using only a drafting board 15 years ago. Sound ridiculous? It is! Digital prototyping is not the technology of the future... it's the technology of today. Get on board, or get left behind.