Habits - A road map to Success

Posted by Jayant Harde
Dec 18, 2020

95% of everything that you think, feel, do and achieve is the result of habit.

Thoughts lead to purposes; purposes l3ad to action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.

*Five Steps To A New Habit*

How do you develop a new habit? Over the years, a simple, powerful, proven seven-step methodology has been determined for new habit development. It is very much like a recipe for preparing a dish in the kitchen. You can use it to develop any habit that you desire. With practice, you will find it easier to develop the habits that you want to incorporate into your personality.

*1. First, make a decision.*

Deciding what habit will make the biggest impact on your success is crucial. Don’t confuse urgent tasks with important ones. Your inbox will always be full, so schedule time for the items that truly will take you to the next level so they don’t get overlooked by daily email or “kitchen fires.” We will discuss specific habits that lead to success, but everyone is unique. Be sure to make a list of the habits you feel can make an impact on your goals, then prioritize them.

Whatever your goal is, decide clearly that you are going to begin acting in a specific way 100% of the time, whenever that behavior is required. For example, if you decide to rise early and exercise each morning, set your clock for a specific time, and when the alarm goes off, immediately get up, put on your exercise clothes and begin your exercise session.

*2. Never allow an exception to your new habit pattern during the formative stages.* Exceptions are the root of all new habit demise. It’s easy to rationalize exceptions when they seem isolated. Important interruptions come in many forms such as unexpected visitors, technical malfunctions or simply a late night out. If you let one exception creep into your plan, it becomes easy to let another slip by, and soon your whole goal is derailed.

Commit to the goal without exception. Don’t make excuses or rationalizations. Don’t let yourself off the hook. If you resolve to get up at 6:00 a.m. each morning, discipline yourself to get up at 6:00 a.m., every single morning until this becomes automatic.

*3.Tell others that you are going to begin practicing a particular behavior* It is amazing how much more disciplined and determined you will become when you know that others are watching to see if you have the willpower to follow through on your resolution. It’s easier to allow exceptions or deviations from your goal when you are the only one that knows. If you have to announce partial failure or explain something to others in a public fashion, stretching the truth is suddenly not an option. Tell one, tell all. You also will become more likely to stay on track with the support of those who want to see you succeed.

*4. Visualize yourself performing or behaving in a particular way in a particular situation.* The more often you visualize and imagine yourself acting as if you already had the new habit, the more rapidly this new behavior will be accepted by your sub-conscious mind and become automatic. The same muscles are activated whether you are physically or mentally imagining a task This means you actually derive the benefits of practice in both situations. This even applies to physical behaviors like golf or dance.

You can bridle your fears in your visualizations before you venture out into the real world. By visualizing, you also allow yourself to problem solve for expected obstacles and be ready for them when they happen in reality.

*5. Create an affirmation that you repeat over and over to yourself.* This repetition dramatically increases the speed at which you develop the new habit. For example, you can say something like; “I get up and get going immediately at 6:00 a.m. each morning!” Repeat these words the last thing before you fall asleep. In most cases, you will automatically wake up minutes before the alarm clock goes off, and soon you will need no alarm clock at all.

*Make it Happen* Almost everything you are or will be will be determined by your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The key to becoming a great person, and living a great life, is for you to develop the habits of success that lead inevitably to your achieving everything that is possible for you.

*New Habit Pattern Development* How long does it take to develop a new habit? The time period can be any length from a single second to several years. The speed of new habit pattern development is largely determined by the intensity of the emotion that accompanies the decision to begin acting in a specific way.

According to the experts, it takes about 21 days to form a habit pattern of medium complexity. By this we mean simple habits such as getting up earlier at a specific hour, exercising each morning before you start out, listening to audio programs in your car, going to bed at a certain hour, being punctual for appointments, planning every day in advance, starting with your most important tasks each day, or completing your tasks before you start something else. These are habits of medium complexity that can be quite easily developed in 14-21 days through practice and repetition.

Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.

To know more about Habits - A road map to Success, kindly contact Jayant Harde on 9373284136 or +91 7122282029. You can also visit our website: www.jayantharde.com

Source: https://hardejayant.blogspot.com/2020/12/habits-road-map-to-success.html

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