Growing Businesses Need Enterprise Mobile App Development

Posted by Karl P.
Jul 13, 2018

The Ericsson mobility report, states that the smartphone subscription throughout the world is expected to reach 6.1 billion by 2020. It also estimates that by the end of the same year, almost 80% of all the internet traffic will come from mobile phones. This is how fast people are shifting to mobile.

As business owners, apart from mobile marketing and creating an app for the customers, there are many other ways to take advantage of this mobile revolution. One trend that is quickly getting popular globally is enterprise mobile app development. An increasing number of businesses are now on the lookout for an experienced mobile application development company that can build internal and external, client-facing mobile apps.

If done correctly, the app can offer a host of important benefits to help businesses grow.

If you still do not have an enterprise app for your business, here are 5 reasons why you should have one as soon as possible -


Powerful Tools for Employees

With the help of enterprise mobile apps, the employees can work better and faster to help improve the overall productivity of the company.

When businesses hire a mobile application development company to build an enterprise app, the app can be designed to do whatever a business requires. For instance, if there are things that can be improved or lagging for the employees, a mobile app is a great way to fix it.


Improved Efficiency

With employees using mobile apps for their day-to-day job, their tasks can be streamlined; and this can significantly boost their efficiency.

When they have a mobile app to help them through the tasks, they can work more and work better. Over time, this turns in better productivity and improved bottom line for the company.


Collect Customer Data

A major benefit of having enterprise mobile app is that they are a great source of user data. Android with a market share of more than 85% is the most popular mobile operating system with iOS at the 2nd spot. When a business uses a platform like Android or iOS for their app development, it functions as a goldmine of data from the customers, which can be used for improving marketing efforts.

To target users on both platforms and multiple devices, the use of a mobile application development platform MADP is emerging as a popular way to develop apps with responsive design elements.

When people start downloading and using the app, it offers great insights into customer behavior, services or products they are interested in, general demographics, and much more than can help businesses customize their marketing efforts.


Instant Availability of Employee Information

Managing the information of the employees is a vital task for human resource management. While hiring more HR executives is an option when the company starts to grow, this can prove expensive and will not really solve data management problems.

Fortunately, there are now enterprise apps for human resource management too. These apps can be used by the HR department to automate their mundane tasks and focus more on other important tasks.


Reduced Security Risks

When you hire a mobile application development company to build a custom app for your business, it significantly reduces the security risks as compared to buying apps already available in the market.

A lot of these apps do not encrypt the data that they send and receive, making it highly prone to interceptions and misuse. When employees will use such apps for exchanging and storing sensitive company data, they would actually be compromising the security policies of the company. Custom-built enterprise apps can be the right solution to eliminate such risks.

Enterprise mobile apps are quickly becoming a vital part of businesses globally. Several businesses are already making great use of these apps and experience a wide range of benefits. It is time for you as well to be a part of this growing trend and let it offer you a host of business benefits like the ones discussed above.

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