Give some kind of token for Maplestory Items

Posted by Yanzi Luccy
May 31, 2018

Give some kind of token for Maplestory Items every completed task, and let purchasing any of the rewards (at a special shop) if you have gathered enough tokens. This can be refined into committing not a single token, but some of them, based on how mean RNG was to you. As an example, for your Hunter's Club, every Rabbit item comes with 4 "disappointment coins", Dogs come with 2, Hogs using 1, and anything greater than that provides no coins in any way. Increase the likelihood of getting the reward with each unsuccessful attempt, until you're guaranteed to find the good rewards on the previous day in case you did the occasion daily and haven't gotten them yet.

Returning Maplestory player after a long hiatus

I hope this belongs here. Ok so. . I had been an avid player once I was younger. You're going back perhaps 13 or so years today pre-Nexon. Throughout time, I would play for a amount of time, take a rest, uninstall the game, download it again after a time, and begin the cheapest Maplestory Mesos cycle again. The previous time I had these lengthy play-throughs was perhaps three or four decades back, and holy crap how everything has changed -- visually that's. The game play itself has stayed the same for the most part.

I have a few questions because I feel out-of-the-loop here. I also remember trying to have a newcomer character stay on that island.

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