Ghana Covid19 update Situation Update, Confirmed Covid-19 Cases in Ghana

Posted by Alex coper
Jun 7, 2020

After three weeks, Ghana is lifting the coronavirus lockdown in its two biggest cities, Accra and Kumasi starting 1 AM local time on Monday Apr. 20. A lockdown of the two worst affected metropolitan areas

Following three weeks, Ghana Covid19 update is lifting the coronavirus lockdown in its two greatest urban communities, Accra and Kumasi beginning 1 AM nearby time on Monday Apr. 20

Superfluous organizations will currently be permitted to open while the wearing of veils is empowered. In any case, there are still bans on huge social events and schools will stay shut.

Ghana COVID-19 cases

In his seventh location to the country since the initial two cases were affirmed on Mar. 12, 2020, president Nana Akufo-Addo said his choice depended on the nation's "capacity to embrace forceful contact following of contaminated people, the improvement of our ability to test, the extension in the quantities of our treatment and separation focuses." The president likewise said he was worried about the "serious effect on poor people and powerless"

This makes Ghana Covid19 update, the principal nation in Africa to facilitate its lockdown at a time others, for example, Zimbabwe and Nigeria have broadened theirs. A week ago, a high court obstructed Malawi's lockdown hours before it was because of come into power as a result of concerns the limitation on development could make more damage the most unfortunate in the public arena than the infection.

Lately African governments have been condemned for reproducing the coronavirus counteraction procedures of wealthier nations without considering key contrasts and the need to adjust to the neighborhood condition. Previous Liberian open works serve and a Center for Global Development individual, W.

Gyude Moore has exhorted African governments to consider increasingly adaptable methodologies, for example, curfews rather than all out lockdowns, which recognize that enormous wraps of the populace depend on every day exchange for endurance.

Be that as it may, lockdowns are not only a test for individuals in low-salary nations ruled by the casual segment. In the United States there have been dissents by residents in states including Texas and Michigan requesting their states to be revived.

Beside the lockdown, Ghana Covid19 update has made forceful testing of suspected cases key to its coronavirus reaction. "We have, till date, followed exactly 86,000 contacts, out of which we have test consequences of 68,591 contacts… We are positioned number one in Africa in [the] directing of tests per million individuals," president Akufo-Addo said.

South Africa, which has a populace more than multiple times Ghana Covid19 update has directed around 100,000 tests. Around 100 little labs spread inside Ghana utilized for tuberculosis tests will presently be outfitted with the ability to test for Covid-19.

Thorough testing in Ghana has so far distinguished 1,042 instances of the coronavirus, with nine passings and 99 recuperations. Toward the finish of March when the lockdown happened, it had affirmed just 161 cases. This ascent in cases had many expecting the declaration of an augmentation of the lockdown not its end.


The administration's treatment of the coronavirus has generally gotten open and bipartisan help. Be that as it may, this may be changing with respect to the first run through, the main resistance is no longer for the administration's most recent activity.

"Numerous wellbeing specialists keep on proposing the need and suitability of an augmentation of the limitations on development," said previous president John Mahama, who is trying to come back to control after December's general races, in a tweet an hour prior to the present president's communicated. \

By depending on its testing and detachment limit, the administration has put its trust in the open's adherence to social removing and cleanliness conventions to brave the coronavirus storm.


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