Food Allergy Testing Help you Steer Clear of the Foods that Trigger IgG Allergies

Posted by Immu Food
Jan 8, 2019
Of-late food allergy has become a common problem, as there is a certain rise in the number of allergy cases among both kids and adults. The food allergy cases have significantly increased  in the last 20 years and unfortunately there is no FDA approved treatment for food allergy. Allergic reactions occur when our immune system, which is our body's defense against germs and foreign substances, overreacts to something that is usually harmless. Precise diagnosis and proper management of food allergy are critical because even an accidental exposure to the minute quantities of the offending food might result in a severe allergic reaction. Though food allergy can arise due to any food but in 85% of the case, the allergens primarily responsible for food allergy are milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, wheat, soy and sesame seed. It is the protein component of these foods that leads to food allergy.

Some of the Likely Causes behind the rising cases of Food Allergy

Our body's immune system is primarily responsible to identify and destroy bacteria or viruses that make us sick, as food allergy occurs when our immune system overreacts to a harmless food protein called allergen. Family history proves to be the prime cause of food allergies in individuals. Even people who have other kinds of allergic reactions like hay fever or eczema are also at a greater risk of developing food allergy. There are several reasons behind the rising cases of food allergy, changes in eating habits of people can be a reason for food allergy or may be due to a lower consumption of animal fats and higher intake of vegetable fats. Some of the other causes of food allergy are high exposure to pesticide residues, consumption of genetically modified foods, consuming less fresh fruits and vegetables, a lower antioxidant intake during childhood and low Vitamin D intake.

Symptoms and Treatments

Food allergic reactions may vary from mild to severe from people to people. the reactions usually occur either within a few minutes of eating a food or sometimes may occur after a few hours after ingestion. Some of the symptoms of food allergy include itchy skin, runny nose, skin rashes, tingling in tongue or lips, tightness in throat, hoarse voice, wheezing, cough, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or stomach pain. On developing any of the allergic symptoms, it becomes crucial to identify the food substances that are causing allergy symptoms. Therefore, while having even a doubt of food allergy, one might immediately consult with a doctor or allergy specialist to determine that whether one is suffering from food allergy or not and if one is suffering then what are the food items that one is allergic too. The doctor usually conduct food allergic testing using blood sample to determine the food items that trigger allergic reactions. However, to better understand their problem and treatment, people must consult a registered medical practitioner or consult a dietitian.
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