Five Benefits of Digital Magazine Publishing

Posted by Pressmart Media
Jun 6, 2017
Digital magazine publishing comes with many benefits. Find out how a digital magazine can help your business reach new customers.

The Benefits

1. Reach international customers

Online publications have the potential to reach people across the globe. You can reach customers you would never have known about. As the popularity of your publication increases, so does your reach.

2. Link to your own products and resources

An online magazine puts your company front and center. You can link directly to your homepage, or link to specific products. Instead of paying someone else to advertise your business, you can do it in your online magazine for free.

3. Make revenue through advertising

In addition to featuring your own products and services, you can also sell advertising space. Depending on the reach of your publication, this can result in some significant revenue. You may even sell enough ad space to pay for the costs of publication.

4. More content for your social media

Finding great shareable content for social media isn't easy. But online publications are easy to share. And because they also promote your business, you get more free advertising. It's a win-win situation.

5. Gain insight through your Google Analytics

An eMagazine that provides Analytics gives you insight into your audience. This can help you fine-tune your business' advertising campaigns, website copy, and more. You can learn what your readers like, what they don't like, and what products they want. With Analytics from your digital magazine, you can cater to your customers.

If you're interested in reaping the results of digital magazine publishing, contact us for more information.

For a digital-native, the ability to share content with friends is essential. An emagazine platform is most engaging when it provide hyperlinked, shareable articles and emails. In addition integration with social media channels is a necessity.
By providing content that is interactive, shareable and easily available across devices, your magazines content can satisfy a younger audiences expectations and could set the expectations of your most loyal readers ever higher. PDF's arrived to the digital scene over twenty years ago, acting as a bridge between the digital and print world. This innovation was a much needed one for non digital natives. All the familiarity of print was delivered with clarity on a digital device. For digital natives this type of bridge isnt entirely necessary, which is why PDF's with interactive feature are a common expectation among readers.
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