Finding the Right Balance between Quality and Cost in Call Center Outsourcing

Posted by Noida Exim
Apr 29, 2019

It is no secret that most businesses outsource their call center operations because they want cost minimization. However, outsourcing for cost benefits alone is not the right approach and many companies have learned the hard way. If your chosen partner fails to keep your customers satisfied, it would be a disservice to your customers. Below are a few tips to help you find the right quality-cost balance:

1.      Outsource your call center business to developing countries – Countries like India are home to some of the best call center talent in the world. To make things better, India's currency value is significantly lower than developed countries like the US and UK, which provides you with instant cost benefits.  Call center outsourcing to India offers you the best of both worlds in terms of cost and expertise, which makes it a wonderful proposition.

2.      Invest in a company with good infrastructure – Infrastructure plays a key role in the performance of daily call center operations. Headphones, VoIP phones, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool without quality sitting space; even the best agents can struggle to provide good customer service. Hence, you should find call center outsourcing services that have a decent infrastructure to run your business.

3.      Hiring a liaison manager – When you outsource your business to a company located far away, you may need to communicate with the managers at the call center outsourcing companies. Long-distance flight travel can often result in high expenses that can offset the profits made through a call center outsourcing venture. Therefore, it is a good practice to employ a liaison manager who sits in the office of the outsourcing company and serves as your eyes and ears. This way, you not only reduce your expenses but are also able to forge better relationships with the managers at the outsourcing companies.

4.      Employing a call center that can scale – The call center requirements of a particular company can increase or decrease at any time. The volume of the call may get high during the launch of a new product and the volume of the call may decrease during an offseason. In both of these cases, you need a scalable call center that can help you run your business. Scalable outsourcing companies from the call center eliminate the need for a new partner that could have cost you a lot in cash.

The Secret Recipe of Successful Call Center Outsourcing

The fact that a strong call center operation is behind the success of every business is not denied. In the modern competitive world, a call center is the face of a business. It is therefore the responsibility of every business owner to spruce their face and impress the customers. One of the best ways to impress your customers is to resolve their queries on time. However, most companies do not have the skills or resources to run an operation of an in-house call center. This is why; partnering with eminent call center outsourcing companies is a good option.

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