Find Magento Upgrade 1.9 to 2.0 from LitExtension

Magento 2 continues to prove the power of the leading e-commerce platform in the e-commerce with the radicaly increase of active store's number. Users of Magento 1.9, the last version of Magento 1.x have trend to upgrade magento 2 to update new features, new extensions for online business.
Magento 2 is totally refreshed and based on latest technologies, so before installing or upgrading Magento 2 on your server, you need to check the server requirements and upgrade it accordingly so that the server meets all the requirements as specified by Magento to install Magento 2.
Magento upgrade 1.9 to 2.0 is smart e-commerce solution to upgrade database (products, customers, orders, categories, taxes, product reviews, product URLs, currency) from old version to Magento 2. The strongest point of the solution is automated Magento migration between magento 1.9 and magento 2, so it limits errors of loosing data.
You can follow Magento upgrade guide.