Features of Drawing

Posted by Evan M.
Jul 23, 2021
The modernization of education taking place in the country, the peculiarities of the state policy in the field of preschool education at the present stage, have necessitated changes in determining the content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Today, a modern child is a small citizen who realizes himself in the modern space of the country and city. He is well oriented in himself, his immediate environment, his present and future, ready to evaluate the phenomena and events of life from different points of view: interest, utility, usefulness, aesthetics, cognition. The inner reserves of a modern child are revealed in different types of preferred activities: visual, play, musical, literary, etc. He is interested in many things and discusses many things. But at the same time, the child is still focused on self-valuable, childish activities. He plays with pleasure, composes, fantasizes, rejoices and discusses.

Thus, the new features of modern preschool childhood must be taken into account in the content of the pedagogical process of visual activity guts.pk/shop/category/art-supplies/art-sheets/sketch-pad/.

Visual activity in preschool children brings a lot of joy. After all, the need for drawing in children is already laid down at the genetic level, they copy and study the world around them. As a rule, classes in preschool institutions often come down to only a standard set of visual materials and traditional methods of transmitting the information received. But, given the development of the modern preschooler and the potential of the new generation, this is not enough for the development of the creative abilities of children. Any children's art is reduced not to what to draw, but on what and what, and the fantasy and imagination of modern children is more than enough.

From an early age, a child tries to reflect his impressions of the world around him in his visual work through visual sensations. At first, the "pictures" created by the children, the so-called "scribbles", are understandable only to the "artists" themselves. Sometimes babies don't need paints, brushes and pencils. They try to draw with their fingers, palms on misted glass, a stick in the sand, chalk on the asphalt, sometimes left unattended by mom's lipstick or paste on the mirror, water spilled on the table, make up an image with buttons or beads taken from grandmother's box. That is, everything that can leave a visible mark. At the same time, the child in his work not only reflects what he sees and feels, but also gets acquainted with materials and objects of different properties.

Growing up preschoolers first acquire the simplest drawing skills and abilities using traditional methods and means. And over time, they are intelligently looking for new methods of reflecting the surrounding reality in their own artistic creation. At this point, the teacher guts.pk/shop/product/alberto-a4-sketchbook-160gsm-for-artist/ can make this work purposeful and introduce children to the non-traditional techniques that take place in the visual arts. Include the most unusual means of image in the educational process: cocktail tubes, a paraffin candle, a comb, a toothbrush, a cotton swab, threads and much more. Such a non-standard solution develops children's imagination, imagination, removes negative emotions.

This is a free creative process, when the word cannot be present, but there is an opportunity to violate the rules for the use of some materials: but with a finger and paint. The use of such unconventional solutions contributes to the removal of children's fears, gaining faith in oneself, inner harmony with oneself and the world around it, will give children a new wide range of sensations that will become richer, fuller and brighter.
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