Feather Tattoo Meaning And Inspiration

Feather tattoo meaning: Perception of feathers in different cultures
In Native American culture, feathers hold an important place. In ceremonies, feathers of select birds are used, as without them the ritual would be incomplete. Warriors and people, who have shown extreme bravery, are given eagle feathers, as eagles are predatory birds known for their ability to hunt. By giving the tribesmen feathers, it is hoped that they would keep on showing their bravery and protect people of the tribe.
In many African tribes, elderlies can often be seen wearing headdresses adorned with feathers. It is believed that the feathers would lend them otherworldly knowledge and they would be able to guide the younger generation.
Historically, Egyptians regarded birds pure and divine. They considered feathers a gift. In Egyptian mythology, goddess Maat is known to possess the purest of feathers. The goddess would evaluate every person after his death. By weighing his heart against feathers, she would allow the soul to pass into heaven only if the heart were lighter than the feathers.
According to the Celts, goddess Morrigan wore feathers of the raven bird, which turned her into a raven. It is how she traveled between the worlds and spied on creatures.
Is feather tattoo for you?
Only you would know the answer. With such strong cultural meanings, feather tattoo meaning is deep and spiritual. In fact, people with the tattoo feel that they have become spiritually more powerful. You cannot keep a feather with you always. However, you could always possess a feather tattoo. Feather tattoo history goes back to 1960-70 – the era of free thinking and free love. People got the feather tattoo as it was a symbol of liberation. Feather tattoo designs were varied depending on the bird as well as on the creativity of the tattooist.
Can you experiment with a feather tattoo?
Feel free to experiment because a feather is a beauty irrespective of its color and size. Check out the feather tattoo pictures over the web and you will find them in every shade. Hence, you should not hesitate to get one in your favorite color. The best areas to get the tattoo are feet, arms, abdomen, sides, under arm, and neck. You could also have a 3-D feather tattoo. Such tattoos are a 3-dimensional image, which can make others touch your tattoo to believe that it is not a real feather. As exciting it sounds, for the tattoo to be spectacular, it has to be done by an expert tattooist. Therefore, you should select one carefully.
Feather tattoos with quotes
You can never go wrong with such a tattoo. Feather tattoo designs and wisdom quotes look awesome together. Is there any saying that figures strongly in your belief system? You could get it tattooed along with the feather tattoo. In case, you do not remember any quote, you will find many over the web. Whether you choose an inspirational or a funny one, your feather tattoo will surely catch eyes.