Exploring the benefits of Sensory Play

From birth through to early childhood, children use their senses to explore and try to make sense of the world around them. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving and hearing.
Little Pearls
Early Learning Centre near Cyber Hub provides opportunities for children to
actively use their senses as they explore their world through ‘sensory play’ is
crucial to brain development – it helps to build nerve connections in the
brain’s pathways.
Pre-schoolers require exposure to activities that stimulate
all of these senses, allowing them to dive in and explore new materials and
concepts. Using their senses is one of the most natural and most basic ways for
toddlers to learn new information about the world around them.
As children
actively use their senses in conjunction with one another, this helps to build
pathways between nerves within the brain. When it comes to the importance of
sensory play, this is a crucial factor because it establishes a foundation for
pre-schoolers to be able to work towards more complex tasks, strengthens
language development, improves problem solving skills and supports cognitive
growth. Pre-schoolers first learn to understand new things via their senses.
Each time that they encounter something that is cold, sticky, or wet, for
example, it reinforces their understanding of which types of objects typically
have these characteristics. A child will then begin to form connections between
things that have similar properties.
At Little Pearls Early Learning Centre for kids in Gurgaon various
activities are planned for children which involves all their senses. To name a
few playing with different types of textures and tasting objects help the child
build new ways of talking about the world. For older children play-dough and
fondant are great ways to teach sensory play, as well as skills that the child
can use in the future such as baking a cake. Sensory play encourages scientific
processes because problems are solved using the five senses: sight, sound,
smell, taste, and touch.
At Little Pearls teachers believe that stimulating the child’s senses helps their brain develop because when a sense is engaged neural pathways are being created to assist with further learning in later years.