Explain In 8 Easy Steps Of Optimizing Your Images For SEO

Posted by Austin Baines
Jul 9, 2021

If you are wondering how to optimize your images for search engines, then this article is for you. In this article we are going to explain how to optimize images for SEO. Optimizing your images will increase the ranking of your website in Google. This will increase your website traffic and increase sales. 

In this article I will explain in 8 easy steps of optimizing your images for SEO.

  1. Insert your keywords as the title of your image file. In most cases the keyword will be shown as a question mark. To have your keywords appear more prominent you can also use a hyphen as the second or third character in your keyword. Example, if your keyword is "motorcycle pictures" then you need to put the keyword as the title of your image.

  1. Insert your title as the first or second sentence of your image file. In most cases you will see the title in the lower right corner of your browser window. To make the title appear more prominent you can place a colon before it. Example, if your keyword is "motorcycle pictures" then you would do the following:

  1. You need to insert your title in your image file title. In this step you need to write as much as you can about your keyword and you can also use a quote mark. It is best to use a quote in your title since Google will display your article as a quote. You need to make sure that your keywords appear in your article because this will help you rank better for the search engines.

  1. Create an image file with the title and write as many relevant keyword phrases as you can. Now it is time to optimize your images for SEO Brisbane. It is to include the keyword phrase(s) you want to include in your image. You do not have to put all your keywords in your image. Just write as many as you can in your title and in the caption.

  1. You can do an article by itself if you like but writing your article first is more beneficial. In this step you need to write an article about your keyword phrase. Make sure that your article is unique from others. Example, if your keyword phrase is dog grooming then you should write an article that explains the benefits of dog grooming. This way you will be ranked better in the search engine results.

  1. If you are doing an article on your website then create an image file that contains the title, keywords and a description. Then you need to optimize your article. For the title of your article you can use the keywords. For example, if your keywords are dog grooming then you should write the title as dog grooming article. It will give better visibility to your article.

  1. Optimize your image files. You can optimize your image files by using image optimization software. You can also do it manually but it takes longer. You need to open your image file and do a keyword search.

  1. Write a killer title. This is the most important step. A good title will increase the success of your article. You need to think about what people will search for when looking for the keyword that you have searched with the title.

Wrapping up

Write your article. You need to submit your image file to article directories. After submitting it you need to wait for approval. If your image file is approved then you can begin writing. Test your article. You need to make sure that your article is able to be found in search engines. Go to Google and do a search for your keyword. See what happens!!

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