Everything you must know about the Oxford Referencing Generator

Posted by Veronica Kate
Dec 14, 2020

While making the assignment, the majority of the students have concerns about 'referencing.' Even, they have plenty of confusion regarding the different referencing formats. Among all the referencing formats, for students, the Chicago Referencing Generator and Oxford Referencing Generator the. In addition to it, these referencing generators are different for e-books, chapters, books, and so on. Henceforth, students must have accurate knowledge about the Oxford and Chicago Referencing GeneratorWith the help of the below-mentioned information, you will get knowledge about the Oxford the Oxford referencing

G style to cite a blog in Oxford Referencing Style?


For the Oxford referencing, you will have to use the in-text citations and reference list. The in-text citations are mentioned in the mid of the paragraph at the end of the text. On the other side, the reference list is mentioned at the end of the document. The criteria for writing the reference list depend upon the guidelines of your professor.


In-Text Citations: Requirements for citing a blog in the Oxford Referencing Style


      Subscript Number

      The first and last name of the author

      Blog name

      Published date of the blog

      Link of that blog

      Date of access


Requirements for creating the reference list


What you need to do is include the same details in the reference list. The last name of the author should be followed by the first name of the author.


How to cite an E-Book in the Oxford Referencing Style?


Cite the sources in such a way that readers can easily find the source. The reference must have the following things.

      The surname of the author

      The initials of the author

      Title of the e-book

      Publisher name

      Place of publication

      Year of the publication

      Name of the database/URL

      Accessed Date/month/Year


These are details you will have to mention to cite an e-book in this style.


How to cite a book using the Oxford Referencing style?


In this type, what you need to do is, use the footnotes that direct the readers to the reference list. To cite a book, your footnotes should include the below-mentioned details.


      Superscript Number

      Author's first name

      Author's last name

      Name of the chapter

      Add the volume and issue number if you have

      Mention the publishing city and followed by the publisher name

      Add the year

      Page number


Moreover, the list of references includes the same information. The students have to write the surname followed by the initials.


What is the Chicago referencing generator?


It is an in-text and bibliography referencing system that uses the footnotes, which is part of the format. If you use the superscript number at the end of the sentence, then the reader will get the idea about the source. This style of citation uses the author-date system. In addition to it, the in-text citations include the name of the author and publication year in the brackets. 

 In the end, the information mentioned above is useful for those students who are suffering from the issue of referencing style. With the help of this information, you will create the best-referencing list. 


Has it been a tedious time for you, struggling with the complexities of Oxford referencing? If yes, then do not worry. Here’s livewebtutors to help you with its up to date Oxford referencing generator. You are just required to fill in all important details and click on “generate” for the solution to be created in no time. From providing you with detailed information of every related in-text references in the paper to citing other's work with complete accuracy, the advanced tool provides error-free solutions with a few moments.
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