Event at SCI IVF Centre under the Aegis of Delhi ISAR & ISPAT - DR SHIVANI SACHDEV GOUR

Posted by Shivani Sachdev
Aug 27, 2017

It is our proud privilege to inform you that SCI IVF Centre under the Aegis of Delhi ISAR & Indian Society for Prenatal Diagnosis & Therapy (ISPAT) is organizing a Comprehensive Course on “ART Hands on Training” on 2nd & 3rd September, 2017 at SCI IVF Centre, H1/ 1A, 3rd Floor, Zygon Square, Sector- 63, Noida.

Please note that this course consists of Talk on Overview of Infertility, Techniques of IUI, Workups before IUI, Management of Male Infertility, Hands on Session on Egg Collection, Semen Analysis & Semen Preparation & Live Demo of Mock Embryo Transfer with Experts of National & International Reputation.

On the first day of Program i.e. on 2nd September, there will be a visit to SCI International Hospital, New Delhi for Video Demo & Lecture on Operating Microscopes for Microsurgical procedures in Male Infertility & Fertility Enhancing Surgeries in ART.




On 2nd & 3rd September, 2017

Venue: SCI IVF Centre, 3rd Floor Zygon Square, Sector 63, Noida



Day 1

Timing                                                              Topic

8:30am - 9:15am                                               Physiology of menstrual cycle

                                                                                Indications of IUI

                                                                                Patient Selection for IUI

                                                                                Workups before IUI

                                                                                Techniques of IUI (No. of Insemination, Loading of IUI catheter

                                                                                and procedure of IUI Video


9:15am - 10:00am                                              Transvaginal Sonography-

                                                                                Theory and Practical Aspect with live Demo


10:00am - 11:00am                                          Semen Analysis

                                                                                Sperm Function Test

                                                                                Semen Preparation for IUI and IVF


11:00am - 12:00noon                                      Hands on Semen Analysis and Semen Preparation for IUI and IVF with Demo of Sperm Function Test (DNA Fragmentation Test)


12:00noon - 01:00pm                                      Ovulation Induction and Monitoring in IUI including special situation like Endometriosis; Fibroid Uterus; Polycystic Ovaries; Tubal Factor; Think Endometrium; Unruptured Follicle; Unexplained Infertility


01:00pm - 01:30pm                                          Male Infertility: Investigations: Role of Medical and Surgical Treatment


01:30pm - 02:00pm                                          Lunch


02:00pm - 02:30pm                                          Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques - Pregnancy after IUI/Art


02:30pm - 03:00pm                                          Tour IUI Lab how to set it up - Q and A and Quiz


03:00pm - 05:30pm                                          Visit to New Delhi International Hospital-

1. Operating Microscope for Microsurgical Procedures in Male        Infertility and Video Demo and Lecture

                                                                                2. Fertility Enhancing Surgeries in ART (Video Demo & Lecture)


Day 2

Timing                                                              Topic

09:00am - 09:30am                                          What is ART: Introduction; Historical Aspects; Physiology; Indications; Drugs used in ART


09:30am - 10:15am                                          Hands on Session of Egg Collection - Batch A

                                                                                History of Techniques of OPU and ET - Batch B


10:15am - 11:30am                                          Hands on Session of Egg Collection - Batch B

                                                                                History of Techniques of OPU and ET - Batch A


11:30am - 11:50am                                          Live Demo / Hands on - Mock Embryo Transfer


11:50am - 12:15pm                                          IVF/ICSI Lab Visit and Live Demonstration of ICSI IVF


12:15pm - 01:15pm                                          Ovulation Induction and Monitoring of IVF/ICSI: Panel Discussion: Standard Protocols Specialized Protocols for PCO/Endometriosis/ Unexplained Infertility/ Poor Responders/ Luteal Phase Support in ART


01:15pm - 02:00pm                                          Male Infertility: After Semen analysis what next? Diagnostic techniques: Medical and Surgical Management:  how to choose a rational drug combination


02:00pm - 02:30pm                                          Lunch


02:30pm - 03:00pm                                          Embryology basics we should know as clinicians


03:00pm - 03:30pm                                          Genital Tuberculosis: Diagnostic Techniques and its management: Guest Lecture from Quest Diagnostics


03:30pm - 03:45pm                                          OHSS - Prevention and Treatment


03:45pm - 04:00pm                                          Documentation/ Q and A / How to set up IVF Lab / Quiz and Certificate Distribution



Founder & Director of SCI Healthcare DR SHIVANI SACHDEV GOUR has completed her graduation and specialty training in Gynaecology and Obstetrics from Mumbai. She worked and trained in IVF for four years in the UK at Hammersmith Hospital, London and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland.


To know more about event contact us - http://www.sciivf.com

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