Ensure Faster Dispute Resolution with Family Mediation

Sep 24, 2020

Family breakdowns can cause a great deal of stress and pain especially when there are children involved. In a case of family dispute, the best alternative resolution process is family mediation. 

Family Mediation is a quick and cost-effective, process that will ensure issues are resolved by the participating individuals. An impartial mediator sits through the sessions and helps you reach your own agreements amicably.

Unlike a judge in a courtroom, a mediator is not there to make decisions for the parties. Their role is to assist the parties in coming to resolutions that work for each of them. Also, unlike attorneys, mediators do not take sides between the parties. They are there to assist both individuals mutually by maintaining a neutral stance.

Whether parents are mandated to try mediation before heading to court, or they elected to try this process on their own, mediation can offer unique benefits to those taking part in it. Many divorcing parents use mediation to work out agreements on matters like parenting time, child support, alimony, division of assets, and other issues that are impacted by their separation. The mediator and both parents will meet as a group during joint sessions; some mediators may elect to have a one-on-one meeting with each parent to build trust and help them each prepare for the group meetings.

The number of sessions it takes to finalize the process varies for each situation, but the end goal for many involved in family mediation is to prepare a parenting agreement that can be presented to the court for approval. While this process may not be without difficult moments, mediation can prove to be less painful and leave both parents feeling more satisfied with the results moving forward.

Family Mediation can reduce divorce costs. Litigation can be notoriously expensive. Costs like lawyer fees, private investigation, expert testimonies, court and filing fees, and even paper copies can add up quickly, quickly raising the price tag of the divorce. Beyond these costs, one or both parties involved may find themselves having to make purchases to help retain their style of life before divorce such as renting a new home and furnishing it. The thought of these fees alone might make some people even wonder if they can afford a divorce.

Alternatively, mediation can be a more cost-effective way to handle a divorce. The parties only have one mediator to pay for their services together, as opposed to both paying lawyers and other court-related fees individually. 

A case litigated in court isn't a very flexible process. Before even being able to schedule a trial date, parties may attend one or more sessions of a scheduling conference. A scheduling conference allows the court to begin tracking the case and get an idea of how complicated it could be. During this conference, parties may also be requested to try some form of alternative dispute resolution to provide some opportunity to settle the case without even reaching trial.

Mediation may not lead to agreements after the first meeting, but it's more likely to be a faster and flexible process when compared to litigation. 

So, resolve your family disputes hassle-free with family mediation.

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