ELSS is Best Tax Saving Investment Options

Posted by RR Finance
Jan 11, 2018

ELSS is an equity oriented scheme and invests more than 65 percent of the allocation into equities, and the long-term capital gain in them is zero and the dividends are tax-free. As we all must know that ELSS is best tax saving investment options the basic reason is that ELSS has minimum lock-in periods as compared to other schemes. For most investors those who depend on salary and they coming under the tax slab, Investment in ELSS for tax saving is beneficial. Tax-saving financial products like the National Savings Certificate (NSC), Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) has more lock-in periods as compared to ELSS. Investors can save their taxes upto Rs. 46,350/- u/s 80c if investing in tax saving funds. So if worrying to save taxes for that ELSS is one of the best schemes that help for tax deduction.

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