Easy SEO Tips and Tricks to Rank Your Videos Higher Online

Posted by Hicks Crawford
Aug 31, 2018

The emergence of video content over the last couple of years is slowly being capitalized on by various online entrepreneurs who do not want to put out a traditional website or blog page. Obviously, it would still be a great way to tag team both your vlog and blog so your target market has the option to decide which format they prefer your content to be delivered. But in this interactive age, more and more Internet businesses are resorting to vlogs as their primary information channel.

You can simply check out YouTube to find out just how many vloggers are out there right now covering all sorts of industries from fashion, makeup, food, travel and even educational services. The Internet is free for all commodity, which means that anyone who wishes to build their profile using it, regardless of their intentions, is able to do so.  The problem with this is that the market you want to tap on may already be reaching saturation point which means that you would have to compete with a lot of people for hits and subscribers.

This is the reason why you need to make sure that you consistently put quality and unique content on your blog. Regardless of the niche, you want to focus on, it is very important that your site is easy to find. There is a multitude of ways to boost your online visibility and one of the most tried and tested practices is the use of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

In this blog post, we bring you some of the easy tips and tricks that you can use to help your videos rank higher which could speed up the process of your growing your brand or channel.

1. Always Know Ongoing Trends.

Whether it is drone shots for travel vlogs or conversationalist tone in terms of information-driven ones, be on the lookout for what currently drives the market. When something is “trendy,” it means that more people are checking it out and the more people checking it out, the higher the chance that you will increase your video’s views and likes.

With one video, you could reach out to people that maybe have not heard from you before but found you through trending content. This might prompt them to check you further and eventually subscribe to your channel. Think of it as getting your piece of the pie. The bigger the pie is, the bigger your share could also be.

2. Do Keyword Search.

Similar to knowing trends, knowing what keywords to use also helps a lot in terms of your videos’ SEO ranking. Google reads keywords to know what kind of content that you are discussing in your videos which would help it decide when it should pop up depending on someone’s searched phrase or keywords.

After you determine the keyword/s you want to use, also put it on the title of your video title, description, slug and meta description to help Google find your content easier.

3. Create Engaging Content.

Do not put out a video just for the sake of putting out videos. It is very important that you build a brand for yourself and your channel based on regularly uploading titillating content that would interest your target market.

Feeding off from that, also make sure that you do not use “click bait titles”. Surely they would have people checking out your video but once they get into it and realize that your title is not even relevant to what you talk about in the clip, it would give them bad impression about what kind of vlogger you are. This way, you not only risk losing potential subscriber but also create a bad rap for the brand you want to establish.

4. Give Emphasis on Your Thumbnail.

There are a whole lot of videos on YouTube and other video sharing sites discussing the same content. On top of an ideally witty caption, it is also crucial that you choose a thumbnail that stands out from all the other results that an online user would have to choose from.

Your thumbnail should be something that would convince searchers that you have something more to offer than your competitors. It should be clear and relevant to what they are actually looking for.

5. Make use of Social Media Sites.

Share your videos across your social media platforms for a broader reach so you just would not box out your target market to those who actually go out of their way to search for content like yours. Every single time you upload something, link it all out to your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram so people can just click it and get redirected to your channel. Harnessing the power of social media is the only way you get get your video to go viral and get pushed into YouTube’s internal trending video section.

It will also help to put your online bio consistently on all your internet profiles so people know that you are creating video content online and check you out, in case they do not know it yet.

6. Meet Other Vloggers.

Take the time to reach out to your co-vloggers and look at them not as competitors but as collaborators. If you give them a shoutout or cite them for something they put out that you liked, chances are they would return the favor. That way, subscribers who enjoy the kind of content you put out who may not know you yet, can eventually look you up. Think of it as gaining a friend who can help you expand your visibility in the online world instead of a competitor.

7. Make a Video Sitemap.

For a more technical side, creating a video sitemap helps search engines know more about your video’s content which makes for easier indexing. The sitemap usually has all the details of your video from its title, duration up to more specifics ones like country and platform restrictions as well as a content expiration date for the clip. Despite the process seems extremely geeky, anyone could really do it with the use of various Sitemap generators coupled with Google Webmaster Tools.

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