Eastern Sea Sea Cucumber | Sea Cucumber Korea - Ocean Star Inc

Posted by Eric Kim
Oct 21, 2015

Sea Cucumber usages:

Found solely in salty waters, Sea Cucumber Korea ean Peninsula square measure rounded animals was specially with the hard skin. Which where  used in great deal as food and drugs in several cultures within the Mideast country  and Asia. ocean cucumbers, although the vapid, pronto absorb the flavors of the seasonings and foods they're stewed with. Whenever, do not let the {tasteless} taste mislead you; these animals have many notable edges, even for the cancer bar.

Sea Cucumbers  As Cancer bar Potential

Eating holothurian could facilitate to stop the expansion and spreading of cancer cells to the affected  one. this is often as a result of ocean cucumbers contain high compounds called triterpene glycosides,this living has wonderful antitumour activity. in step with a probe study by Chinese scientists printed in Aug 2005 in the “A Cancer Biology make a research and the final report Normally ocean cucumbers conjointly contain a compound called philinopside E, or PE. letter inhibits the formation of blood vessels that provide nutrients to tumors. This suppresses the expansion and proliferation for such type tumors in your body.

Act as Anticoagulant Activity

Blood clotting helps stop excessive harm after you square measure contusioned. However, clots may also kind within your blood vessels even after you haven't any obvious physical injury. this will cause doubtless fatal conditions like embolism - - wherever the blood clots accumulate in lungs - - and prohibit the flow of blood. ocean cucumbers contain a compound called chondroitin salt. A study by Brazilian scientists printed in September 1996 within the “Journal of Biological Chemistry” found that chondroitin salt has medicament activity.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Sea cucumbers have potent medication effects, which can facilitate alleviate pain in patients with conditions like inflammatory disease. A study by Malaysian scientists that was printed in October 2011 in “Marine Drugs” found that holothurian supplements reduced inflammation in each male and feminine rats. This animate being contains compounds like mucopolysaccharides, chondroitin and glucosamine, which might facilitate relieve inflammatory disease disorders. Such compounds facilitate within the regulation of the balance of sure lipids called prostaglandins. Patients with atrophic arthritis typically have high concentrations of sure prostaglandins, in step with a study printed in the year of 2008 within the “American - school of medicine.”



Wound Healing

Eating holothurian or its extracts could have therapeutic effects like rushing up wound healing. It will thus by facilitating the formation of recent tissues at intervals a brief time -- a property that's believed to stem from the flexibility of a holothurian to regenerate its own body tissues quickly once it's contusioned in step with October 2011 reference of one "Medicine " study, this is often believed to be expedited by sure fatty acids, like the component  arachidonic acid, gift in holothurian.


Ocean Star Inc. —— Sea cucumber, Best of the best foods, with heavenly taste!
Company Address: 30 Baekpobuk-ro, Jeju, Korea 
Representative: Mr. KIM
Wechat/QQ : 1316297476
Contact: 82-64-711-8538/82-10-5736-1052Chinese language avaialbe

Email: xiaoxuan121@oceanstarco.com

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