Earth Blocks Are The New Sustainable Building Material

Posted by Ian Fry
Apr 4, 2018
Here is the ancient technique and building material, the compressed earth blocks, which again have been introduced in the modern world as sustainable materials for construction. Buildings made with compressed earth blocks have stood for centuries, which means that they are durable. But why are they making a come back?

As people are becoming more concerned about the environment and sustainable building materials, construction with compressed earth blocks is enjoying a resurgence.

How are these modern CEBs made?
With the advent of modern building techniques, compressed earth blocks (or CEBs) have also become more durable and effective than ever. Instead of the traditional method which required pressing each block by hand, machines press a mixture of earth, clay, and sometimes sand into sturdy blocks. The blocks are then stacked by hand like bricks, held together with a thin layer of slurry made from the same material as the blocks but thinned down with water. Most of the NatHERS accredited assessors in NSW appreciate this material as safe and environmental friendly.

What are the benefits of compressed earth blocks?

Energy savings
Thermal mass is an important aspect in saving energy. This refers to the heating and cooling of the walls themselves. A building with CEB walls absorbs heat and releases it evenly, adding to the comfort of the inhabitants. Energy savings are significant as a lot less energy is required to heat and cool the buildings.
Sustainability: the ultimate renewable material
Earth is a renewable, abundant resource. Unlike fibre board, plywood, and other modern building materials, its production does not require the use of dangerous chemicals.

Made from natural materials
As achieving an energy efficient building is a real concern, natural building materials are being looked at as a viable means for the purpose. CEB walls do not out-gas chemicals like formaldehyde. However, before you decide to opt for this material you should opt for a home and building sustainability assessment. This will let you understand whether CEBs are appropriate for your building project or not.

Cost-effective building material
CEBs are advantageous especially in poor communities. The earth is readily available, and there is no cost to import building materials. Also, CEBs do not require a lot of energy for production like brick or concrete.

With the reduced use of natural resources being a trend right now, compressed earth blocks have made a great comeback at the right time. Just be sure to call the assessment team before choosing CEBs.

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