Earning with Pricebenders

It is important to understand and to make ourselves clear that there is no such a system anywhere in this beautiful world that make us rich overnight. So the first and foremost thing is that you must have DEDICATION to earn and must be PATIENT.
Earning with Pricebenders
Instead of selling regular products, simply focus on selling TCredits used for bidding at Pricebenders. Each time someone buys a pack of TCredits for bidding, you'll earn commissions!
For example, if you sell just 18 packs of 50 TCredits a month, you'll earn about $75 in Direct Commissions, plus 12,492 VP (VersaPoints) each month. Double your monthly sales to just 35 packs of 50 TCredits (just over one sale a day) and you'll earn $148.83 in Direct Commissions, plus 24,290 VP (VersaPoints) each month.
But that's just the starting point! If you're selling TCredits for bidding on Pricebenders auctions, many of your customers may buy multiple TCredits packs every month, or even weekly or daily. Hence, you may only need to generate a handful of regular customers to build, over time, a MUCH bigger commission that comes in month after month (i.e., powerful Residual Income).
REMEMBER: Just 1,500 VP makes you an EA (Executive Affiliate), so selling just three 50 TCredit bundles a month automatically maintains your EA rank every month. And with just 3000 VP, you can advance to the rank of TEAM LEADER, which can have you earning lucrative Matching VersaPoints and many other valuable benefits, too.
Join the Team of Free Affiliates and start selling TCredits at Pricebenders.