DXN compensation plan GLOBAL

Jun 1, 2014
The most important information of the remuneration system of DXN
Some words about MLM-income
Against MLM - for ignorant people who have a strong disgust - retreat route here. 
Everybody knows, who has dealt with or heart about MLM, that after a certain accomplishment in most of the networking based businesses, you can earn "disgusting" amount of money. That is why (in my opinion) theres is no point in counting, how much do you earn, when you have a couple of members, who order a couple of boxes of coffee for their own use. This is for your ears only: you earn very little amount, or we could say nothing.
In the beginning of an MLM- business money comes from direct marketing, from price-gap You buy it on wholesale price and sell on retail price But do not do that! Do not do that for your own interest! Because if do not build a network you will soon notice that you are at the same place, if you were doing any other agent job, which means if you want to earn money you have to sell. If i am right most of  people join this type of business because they want to have a passive income, to become financially independent. For this reason do not sell the product!  You have to "sell" the repeat customer opportunity. It is not hard to calculate how much product has to be purchased to to be worth entering the business. Here is my suggestion: offer the advantageous purchase opportunity and do not try to sell the product, even if somebody doesn't want to build a network (or one doesn't know it yet), or if one just buys it for own consumption.
Of course it doesn't mean that you have to send away who wants to buy one box. No, you just have to sell it to him/her. Just be careful, this should not be your aim! The most important thing in MLM is duplicating. If you hang on to sell the products this behaviour will be duplicated ( or not, because you won't much entrants). If you are loose and you offer the opportunity( and not the product) in a cool way, people will like it, and tehy will want to do it as well and they will also want to do it that way.
Commitments, expectations in DXN payment system
For me one of the most important decision point against MLM systems was the lack of commitments and expectations.
I have to add that i would have started it anyway, even if these weren't. The product, Ganoderma coffee as healthy coffee itself is a guaranty for success, if someone works hard.
But let's see the commitments, which discourages most of the networkers, but according to successful networkers there is no productive business without this. I would doubt that. Maybe you can force somebody to reach certain results but in long term only people with internal motivation can survive. Own, internal motivation is really hard(or impossible) to establish with external influence in long term. There are professional, experts (motivation trainers) , wit whom spectacular  temporary results can be carried out, but this is not enough for real success. For success YOUR truthful faith and endurance is required, and not an obstacle course full of  commitments and forced accomplishments.
In the DXN payment system repeat customer and networker levels are not separated. So who becomes a repeat customer can build network as well. To maintain repeat customer status only buying one product per year is necessary.
If someone would like to get bonus after one's own purchases, one has to buy in 100 point value in the specific month. Every product has a point value, you can find them in the "product ordering form", which can be found in the downloads menu item. I would like to make it perfectly clear, that the 100 points (can be brought together from 66 Eur) purchase "commitment" is only important, if you would like to get bonus from your own purchases in the given month. If you don't fulfill this condition, nothing happens, you just do not get bonus for that month.
If someone would like to get the bonus after the people of one's network, the network has to purchase in 200 point value.
The above purchase commitments are so low, that if someone only reaches these results, one's income won't be worth mentioning.
The points given after purchase will be added not only in the given month, but continuously, for example if someone has a point value of 100 in the given month and one's network has a point value of 800 altogether, in the next month  one will start the next month from 900 point level.
A Point value only has importance until Star Agent(managerial) level (4500 points) is reached, which can be fulfilled by monthly 900 points in 5 month.
The MLM system of DXN is exempt from common means of coercions, like prevention, detachment, nulling monthly, binding qualification etc.
Bonuses in DXN MLM system
The DXN MLM business consists of several network bonuses
Group bonus (monthly 100 PPV and 300 PGPV)           6% - 21%
Managerial Group bonus         25% - 37%
Development bonus        15 %
International profit share       2 %
Manager bonus 15%
Itinerary Seminar incentive  2%
Single cash incentive    130 Euro
Single Itinerary incentive       900 Euro
The difference between your bonus level according to your accomplishement (reached point value) and the bonus level of the people under you, will be your income  based on the sale in your network.
Who reaches the Star Agent (managerial), later the Star Diamond (diamond managerial) level gets different leader bonuses, which are not related to network depths, but to the sum of group business done. To reach managerial levels you need to have  different managers on different lines.
You can get  detailed information from the downloads menu item or from the DXN Marketing Plan booklet.
Optimal Networking in the DXN Business
The most important is the fast start!
The essence of MLM business is duplication.The more time you take in this business, the harder you can speak of  the greatness of this business. But if people see how easily and fast you can build your business, they will gladly join.
Don't forget you will only have new repeat customers, new colleagues if you keep this opportunity secret! Tell it to as many people as you can in personally, send your website address to as many familiar as you can, and you will see  just like you they will also want to join this great system.
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Comments (3)
Carmen sofia Malines...

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Jan 29, 2015 Like it
Carmen sofia Malines...

affiliate marketing

Form a team is only the beginning, stay together is progress, working together is success.
dare, dream, because you deserve it! Enjoy life, enjoy your job, and let your wishes and dreams come true .. Good luck!

Aug 7, 2014 Like it
Carmen sofia Malines...

affiliate marketing

Lo que somos hoy proviene de nuestros pensamientos de ayer, y nuestros pensamientos de hoy construirán nuestra vida mañana. Nuestra vida es la creación de nuestros pensamientos.

Jun 9, 2014 Like it
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