Dr. Mani Pavuluri and Her Tips to Cure Anxiety Disorder
It does not matter if an individual is in his or her teens or has just reached adulthood; anxiety disorder can strike at any point and that too without prior notification. While some can suppress the said issue on their own, if it turns out to become agitating or overwhelming so much so that one cannot sit still, feels nauseous constantly, and suffers from immense discomfort, seeking professional assistance becomes absolutely necessary.
Taking over-the-counter medications or going through treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion processing therapy, mindfulness, compassion therapy, and relaxation therapy would certainly provide desirable outcomes but changing the overall lifestyle in a few simply ways stands vital to cure anxiety disorder from the root. Want to know more regarding this? If yes, please do buy some time and check out the below-mentioned pointers.
- According to top-notch psychologist, Dr. Mani Pavuluri, getting substantial amounts of rest surely help. Having a sound sleep at night would remove all those exhausting ruminations, provide maximum relief from the day-to-day chaos, and make your mind as well as body refreshed for the next day.
- Avoid thinking as that could aggravate anxiety to a large extent. Instead feel free to look at and listen to whatever is happening around you at the present. Focusing on one particular object, activity, or sound and staying put is needed until the horrifying turbulence of fretfulness alleviates and you become capable enough to gather yourself.
- You do not have to socialize when agonized by the medical condition in concern. Just be with one or two people whom you love the most and feel safe with. Staying in a comfortable, kind, and nonjudgmental zone provides the assurance that there is someone in this vast world, who understands you and have your back.
- Dr. Pavuluri, a renowned professor of child psychiatry, has time and again asked individuals suffering from anxiety disorder to concentrate on the positive aspects of life and cut down harmful habits such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and reliance upon substances like amphetamines, crack, or cocaine. Fabricating a healthy routine and adhering to it is considered utterly beneficial.
- Are you afraid of making mistakes? Are you constantly worried of what others might think of you? If yes, remember that we all are after all human beings, who can have a few slip-ups to gain a clear comprehension about the right and wrong. Do not get bothered and rather ignore people, who seem to threaten or bring you down.
Well, the aspects specified above could help one change his or her life for better and get rid of anxiety disorder forever. Reputed therapists like Dr. Mani Pavuluri have also asked individuals to hear diverse patience stories, exercise, watch entertaining movies or TV shows, play with pets, and chase their passion because these are all effective tools to lead a happy and productive existence.