Different Ways of Protecting Oneself from EMF
Effects of
Electromagnetic Radiations:
Exposure towards Electromagnetic Radiation leads to
emergence of chronic and acute diseases, illness and severe conditions within
the human body. Today the electrical sensitivity is becoming the biggest issue
as it is one of the most serious concern for which there is a lack of skilled
doctors. Day by day our dependency towards electrical equipments is increasing.
For every small thing we are dependent upon technological boons. Dependencies
on mobile phones, Television, Digital instruments, laptops, tablets, etc… for
every small thing is not advisable. The more we are in contact with these devices;
the more is the possibility of getting affected by them. These devices emit
electromagnetic radiations which penetrate within our body and lead to harmful
problems like tumor, cancer, intestinal burning, severe indigestion, etc… Thus,
in order to lead a normal life it is essential to take measures or steps for protection against EMF.
Measures for
Protection against EMF:
Our body can get in contact with the EMF quite
easily. It becomes essential for us to take utmost care. The following are the
different areas in which we can take protection
against EMF:
(A) Office
1) The
office area is completely loaded with high electromagnetic radiations emitting
equipments which are indeed a major reason of concern. The emission level is at
the highest in the offices. While working on the laptop or computer, the user
must work with the help of a secondary mouse and keyboard in order to avoid
contact with the system.
2) Though Laptops were meant to be used by keeping on
the laps, but it is not a smart decision to do so. The radiations emitted
through laptops penetrate through the laps and can lead to severe outcomes.
3) Avoid keeping the battery plugged in the laptop
for long.
4) Usage of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for
television or computer monitor screens is a wise decision. The emissions from
an LCD screen are much less than the old CRT screens.
5) The transformers, routers and electrical power
cords need to be cleaned in regular time intervals. The presence of power lines
near feet area is really harmful as they emit high level of electromagnetic
radiations. Hence, they should be away from body contact.
6) Installation of EMF Meters by Y-Shield Protection
company is advisable as they provide meters that are premium and supreme in
(B) Wireless
1) Installation of Wi – Fi (Wireless networks) should
be avoided in homes. The emission level from wireless routers is much higher
than the other routers. It emits radiations even if it is shut down.
2) DECT Technology cordless phones emit high level of
electromagnetic radiations. Hence, it should be avoided.
3) Prolonged communication with the help of a
cellular or a cordless phone leads to adverse effect on the human body.
If you want to
know more about Protection
Against EMF please click