Different Types Of Predictive Dialer System And Its Importance
Do you own a telemarketing company and searching for some ways to make your job easier and efficient? Well, if the answer is yes, then you should depend on a preview dialer system without giving a second thought. This computerized system can be used in companies for calling large number of clients automatically. If one thinks of making calls at a small scale, then surely the task does not seem to be tedious.
Details about predictive dialer
· The dialer dials the telephone numbers of the possible clients in front of the company agents as well as this facilitates the company's dial rates to shoot up. With the reputation of the dialers, several types of the Progressive Dialer are now accessible in the market. The functions of all kinds of predictive dialers are the similarities and they change in terms of delivery methods as well as architecture.
· When you move out to purchase a preview dialer system, you might come across different kinds of systems in the market. It is true that all types of predictive systems perform the same function, but the delivery of service and architecture vary greatly from one type to another.
Here you can have a look at different types of progressive dialer systems.
1. SOFT DIALERS: This is most basic and cheapest type of dialer system. In this system, only software is provided to the buyer and expensive telephony equipment is not required. These systems are more or less like traditional hardware auto dialer systems, but still are better. Some of the facilities that you can enjoy after purchasing this system include voice recording, IVR, call classification, and call progress analysis, speech recognition, text to speech conversion and a few more.
2. HARD DIALERS: These systems used different kinds of hardware telephony equipments to perform tasks of call progress analysis. These systems can be connected to any telephone and thus they provide a facility of mobility. These systems can handle thousands of calls at one time and are useful in large-scale companies. However, this system is much more expensive than the ones mentioned above.
3. SMART PREDICTIVE DIALERS: This type of system is advanced with features like voice messages. Here the agents need to talk only with interested clients and this saves their time to great extents. The lists of callers can be processed without many hassles in this system.
Other kinds of dialers comprise of the hard dialers, the smart predictive dialers, the hosted dialers as well as the hybrid dialers. Each of these types have their own sets of pros as well as cons. An organization takes the whole thing into consideration before opting for a meticulous type. If you are looking for predictive dialer technology, consider checking predictive dialer solutions.