Different types of manicure kits

Posted by Millie Nelson
Apr 1, 2013
What is a manicure and what are its types? What are the different types of manicure kits?

Manicure is a cosmetic treatment of hands and feet that is done at home or in a salon by an experienced person. It involves treatment of cutting and shaping nails and also applying polish to the nails. The feet treatment is called pedicure. Manicure helps in clean and soft nails. Waxing also is a form of permanent hair removal which removes the hair from body from its roots.

Today, different types of manicures exist as per the treatment and the types of nails. Some of the manicures are: French Manicure, Moon Manicure, Hot Stone Manicure, Luxury Manicure, American Manicure, European manicure, Spa manicure, Brazilian Manicure and Velvet Manicure among others.

Now let us see what are the different types of Manicure kits that are available in brief.

There are basically 2 different types of Manicure kits that are known and available in market.

A) Manual Manicure kit

B) Handmade Manicure kit.

C) Electronic Manicure kit.

D) Japonesque Manicure kit and

E) Sephora Collection kit

Now let us see each of these manicure kits in a short detail.

A) Manual Manicure kit.

A manual Manicure kit also sometimes known as handmade type comprises stainless steel tools that include tweezers, scissors, nail nippers, cuticle nippers and nail polish among other small tools. Having a right manicure kit give the results you want.

There are also Chinese and Korean versions available for people looking for little fashionable products. Some of these versions last for long and some do not.

B) Handmade Manicure Kit

There is a different type of version called handmade type which the experts say works excellent in all condition and environments. They are hand crafted and inspected properly for getting best results every time. They are little expensive but results are always good.

C) Electronic Manicure kit.

An electronic manicure kit is common and available in all major stores. Electronic manicure kit takes away the hassles of doing manicure personally. Manicure is done by a machine connected to an electric socket. All you have to do is to direct the kit to the proper place.

D) Japonesque Manicure Set

This manicure kit is right fit for a person who is travelling continuously. It has a compact carry case with good grab and carry handle to pick up. The kit contains all the basic manicure tools like polish, scissors, Clippers and nippers.

E) Sephora Manicure Kit

This kit comes in a black case. Each item here has a easy gripping handle for comfortable use. This kit also has basic manicure items other then the cuticle jaw. The kit has black velvet made to hold everything. It is also affordable in price.

There are good salons in Richmond and Kinston-Both in United Kingdom that offer good manicure treatments and also sell manicure kits to their clients. They are known for their expert service and good manicure treatments. They can be contacted on their website for their address and contact number.

Millie Nelson is researching about benefits of manicure treatment in Kingston. For more information stay connected with Millie Nelson.
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