Did you know 1+1=0 ?

Posted by Udo Hoffmann
Oct 13, 2012
Did you know 1+1=0 ?

Here is an exercise that relates to many things in life.  We "know" something or have known something all our lives to be true and along comes somebody who PROVES to us that what we knew was wrong and things now no longer add up.

In business it is no different, all these little "secrets", "tricks", and "Black hat Methods" are just a way to make you follow the piper.  Good, solid, repeatable steps are the groundwork for anything to work.


Lets have some fun and see who is on the ball and who simply believes because they are shown PROOF.  Lets also find out who has the ability to work their way through this and figure out for themselves why my proof shows that it is correct.

Given the assumptions as follows...

i = the square root of (-1)
AND that
the square root of (ab) = the square root of (a) times the square root of (b)


1 + 1 = 1 + square root of (1)
1 + square root of (1) = 1 + square root of [(-1)(-1)]
1 + square root of [(-1)(-1)] =  1 + square root of (-1) times square root of (-1)
1 + square root of (-1) times square root of (-1) = 1 + i times i
1 + i times i = 1 + (-1)
1 + (-1) = 1 + -1
1 - 1 = 0

I can also show it like this....

Have some fun with the math and see what you make of it.

In the mean time think about all the "NEW", "SECRET" or "MAGIC" promises you run across every day that will explode your business and ask yourself why they have not been used before now if the idea is so successful in its application.

Step by step with a proven system is the ONLY way it works, the rest is just false or misdirection while they reach into your pocket to relieve you of that heavy burden of holding onto your money.

You can read more posts like this here  http://www.theprimusreport.com/did-you-know-110/

PS... lets see who is the first to spot and post the math flaw
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Comments (11)
Carole M.

SAHM working online

2 rights don't make a wrong

Nov 10, 2012 Like it
Arsad Putra Senggara...

Affiliat marketing,Blogger,Trader

i don't know when i know i explain to everi one

Oct 27, 2012 Like it
Udo Hoffmann

Erudite polymath

Wonderful retort William, however it too is flawed :Þ...

Mathematics is a language of rules, very precise and well defined rules. and I have actually broken one of them in my little "proof". The assumptions are actually valid mathematical values and not in error.

1st assumption..."i may equal the square root of -1"...VALID
2nd assumptions.... the square root of (ab) = the square root of (a) times the square root of (b) ... VALID

The flaw lies in the proof and in HOW the assumptions are use

Oct 24, 2012 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

Given the assumptions as follows...
i = the square root of (-1)

Really, it's just one of two square roots. That is, if
x^2 = -1
then x can be either i or -i, in the same way that if
x^2 = 4
then x can be either 2 or -2.

AND that the square root of (ab) = the square root of (a) times the square
root of (b)

Similarly, there are multiple possibilities that need to be considered
for this.

My simpler example:

4 = 4
sqrt(4) = sqrt(4)
2 = -2

Here's a less mathematical example. If Alex
and Chris

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Udo Hoffmann

Erudite polymath

Carole... the assumption is that "i"= the square root of -1
William... we are talking straight old math here, no binary trickery

There IS a flaw in the math but those 2 points are not it

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Purini Haranadh Babu...

Online Biz.

nice 0 zero.............the digit before 1

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

1+1 = 10 in Binary? Only considering the right most register in a binary number will
effectively result the equation 1+1=0

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
Carole M.

SAHM working online

1 does not equal the square root of -1

Oct 23, 2012 Like it
R S Tour & Travel

Tour Operator

Awosome Mathematic calculaton keep it up
Congratulatioin !!!

Oct 22, 2012 Like it
Daniel A. Lopez

Daniel A. Lopez

I was shocked, with that mathematical logic.
I'll have to get my books and start again.
Excellent. Congratulations!!!

Oct 14, 2012 Like it
Shahzada U.

Logo & Graphic Designer

I m very impressed to your answer,

Oct 14, 2012 Like it
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