Diabetes Ayurvedic Cure By Patanjali

Posted by Swastham Ayurveda
Aug 16, 2018

There are two silent killer diseases that lie within the body- high blood pressure and diabetes. Hypoglycemia is another word for diabetes and this metabolic disorder is a result of improper glucose metabolism in the body. Hunger is satiated with food and whatever we eat is converted to calories and sugar in the body. This glucose is carried via the blood stream to different organs and acts as an energy booster for them, prompting them to perform their functions but what happens if the sugar lies in the blood in excess?

The body cells absorb glucose and use it for production of energy. This glucose in the blood can be used only if there is insulin hormone in the body. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and if it is not produced or is available in improper quantities, then the unused sugar in blood starts to increase and damage the organs. Heart and kidney are especially vulnerable to glucose and can work properly only if the insulin is processed properly by organs of body. Don’t let the glucose levels rise in the body; get a timely diagnosis so that you can start taking conventional or diabetes ayurvedic cure by Patanjali on time. Your body is precious and can get destroyed by high glucose levels, protect it now!

Sometimes the insulin cannot be processed properly by the body. This also causes the sugar levels to rise. Daily routine and lifestyle changes are compulsory for the diabetics to be able to process insulin properly. The immune system may get compromised and other illnesses may take over if the glucose levels of the body keep rising. Proper exercise and shedding of calories become a must for proper organ functioning of a diabetic. The calorie count has to be kept under control at all times. A proper exercise regime helps in adequate absorption of medicines and appropriate functioning of organs.

Many people end up eating too much and too heavy if they are stressed out. This causes an upheaval in the sugar levels of the body. Encourage the person with increased glucose levels to eat more green leafy vegetables and reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats. Guava, jamun, papaya, musk melon, citric fruits and apple are better than the rest of the fruits because they contain less of sugar. Bitter gourd, gourd, fenugreek are very good for diabetic people.

 A diabetic needs to be very careful about the diet and must always carry a sugar sweet in the pocket to eat whenever the sugar falls low. Regular sleep is imperative to keep the body functioning properly. Get your sugar tests done if you are urinating frequently. Getting very thirsty and feeling excessive fatigue needs to be checked at the earliest. Diabetes also leads to skin itching and unhealed wounds.

Ayurvedic treatments like diabetes ayurvedic cure by Patanjali offer Divya Madhunashini vati and Divya Shilajeet Sat that is helpful in controlling Diabetes by taking care of the blood sugar levels.

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