Dental implants -Who Should Consider and How To Take Care After Surgery

Posted by Leon Kassian
Jun 18, 2015
Missing one or more teeth can restrain your smile and affect your ability to chew properly. If you do not prefer bridging, crowning or dentures, you may consider asking your dentist whether you are a good fit for dental implants.  
For a more natural-looking tooth replacement, dental implant is a better alternative than dentures, because in dental implants, artificial teeth are affixed directly to the jawbone. To get the most out of your implant, you must be in robust physical condition aside from your missing teeth and have a healthy jawbone. Healthy gums and fully developed jawbone are essential to support the fixture. 
How do I know if I am the right candidate for an endosseous implant?

To determine if you are a suitable candidate, you should meet following criteria:

  • Healthy gums and teeth
  • Adequate bone density to support the implant
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Have not been treated with bisphosphonate medicines for cancer treatment
  • Do not have autoimmune disorders or uncontrolled diabetes which may slow down the healing process
  • A non-smoker or be willing stop smoking during the implant process until it heals
  • Understand that the procedure may take 4 to 12 months, willing to have patience and can commit this much time to get the best results

If you are healthy and your dentist finds you fit, you can schedule for the procedure. Usually the dental implant process is performed at the dentist’s office under local anesthesia. Remember that the surgery takes several hours, and more than one session may be required.

Consultation Before the Procedure

If you have planned to go for dental implants in Edmonton, it is recommended that you consult with a dentist who has been practicing for at least 20 years. At the time of initial consultation, the dentist will check the area where the implant will be fitted.  If there is not enough bone density, going through with a bone grafting procedure is another alternative. 

Post Surgery Care

Beside some general oral hygiene instructions, here is a list of a few steps to be followed immediately after the surgery.

  • Avoid spitting, rinsing or touching the area on the day of surgery.
  • Mild bleeding is normal for 24 hours. Excessive bleeding can be controlled by biting a gauze pad for 30 minutes. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, please contact your dentist.
  • Swelling is normal. To reduce swelling, apply an ice bag or ice wrapped in a towel to the treated area
  • Drink loads of fluids. Stick to soft and liquid foods for the first few days. Avoid hot foods.
  • Medication like painkillers and antibiotics will be prescribed by your dentist. Take them from time to time.
  • Keep your physical activities to a minimum. Do not lift heavy objects and skip your gym routine for some time.

The dental implants look and act like real teeth. Therefore, you need to abide by your dentist’s instructions for proper oral hygiene, which include brushing twice daily, flossing everyday and mouth washing. Improper mouth care will reduce the longevity of your prosthetic tooth. 

About The Author

Leon Kassian has immense knowledge about dentistry and has been practicing the same for almost two decades. In this article he has discussed some post surgery care, which shows his experience and is why he is the right candidate to seek consultation for dental implants in Edmonton
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