Decorate your fridge with a magnetic organizer

Like organizers for the home, the refrigerator is an essential device and deserves to be so much more than just a space that keeps things cold. Here are some simple and cool ways you can make the most of this unassuming machine.
1. A fridge is an appliance with which most of us share a close relationship. It’s whom you turn to when you are hungry in the middle of the night, and probably the first thing you use in the morning when you need to make coffee or breakfast. Your fridge is like a friend so wouldn’t it be great if it looked like one? All you need to do is anthropomorphize your fridge a bit. Just paint your fridge with some human attributes like large eyes, smiling lips, or a large moustache and watch a lifeless machine come to life. This simple DIY can add some whimsy to an otherwise practical space.
2. If your fridge is in prominent area of the house, its exterior can be used as a photo gallery. Photographs always create impressive visual impact. You can either fix a few photo frames on your fridge, while changing the photographs inside every few days. Or you can use magnetic fixtures or even duct tape to tack pictures straight on to the fridge. It might also be cool to craft thematic photo collages and mount them on a large frame on the fridge door.
3. The simplest way to give your fridge a new look is also the most functional one. The fridge door and walls can be utilized to organize small odds and ends. These small items are always the most difficult to arrange; and when misplaced, are often lost forever. A magnetic organizer can be easily fixed on to the refrigerator and is one of most utilitarian ways to give your fridge a makeover.
4. You can also convert the walls of your fridge into a canvas for art. Try painting your refrigerator in black board paint and then have a blast doodling all over it in chalk. This is especially great if you have children at home. You could otherwise cover your fridge in sheets of canvas and then paint over it. This way you can turn your fridge into a work of art that will be a joy to use.
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