Dark French-Style Roast: The Best FTO Shade-Grown Coffee For The French Press

Posted by PRC Agency
Mar 26, 2023
Dark French-Style Roast: The Best FTO Shade-Grown Coffee For The French Press

So, you have a shiny new French press. Like, one of those high-end ones that you paid a pretty penny for. It goes without saying that you’d want to use it to brew only the best coffee. But where can you find that coffee?

The answer is simple: GoCoffeeGo LLC sells the best coffee on the market. And you know it’s the best, because GoCoffeeGo’s founders know what makes great coffee. So why not start yourself off with one of their dark French roasts? After all, nothing would match your French press better than a premium French-style coffee!

But that’s not to say that you can’t enjoy their coffee without a French press. GoCoffeeGo’s coffee is for everyone who loves a good cup of Joe, so go on ahead and indulge in the tastiest cup there is!

(By the way, did you know that a lot of their coffees are FTO and shade-grown too? Coffee really doesn’t get better than this!)

Visit https://www.gocoffeego.com/search/?q=French+Roast to check out their collection of French roasts!

GoCoffeeGo remains committed to providing customers with premium specialty coffee from sustainable sources. Many of the coffees in the featured selection are shade-grown, meaning that the plants are grown beneath a canopy of trees. This slows the ripening of the fruit, increasing the concentration of natural sugars and enhancing the flavor of the beans. In fact, most coffee aficionados can agree that shade-grown coffee tends to taste better.

Furthermore, studies have shown that shaded farms vastly outperform sun-grown plantations in terms of bird habitat and biodiversity, erosion control, carbon sequestration, natural pest control, and pollination. So the birds get their habitat, the bees and butterflies get their pollen, and you get your great-tasting coffee. It’s a win-win situation all around!

Some notable blends in GoCoffeeGo’s collection of dark French roasts are the Old Town French Dark Roast FTO, an intense, dark blend with a heavy body and notes of dark chocolate, caramel, cashew, and toasted marshmallow; and the Noyo Harbor French Roast, a rich, dark roast that has smoky notes with hints of fruit jam, roasted nuts, and chocolate.

Both blends are roasted by Thanksgiving Coffee, an activist business that is passionate about socio-economic and environmental issues. Reflecting the roaster’s values, the beans in these coffees are all sourced from certified fair trade and organic farms, in addition to being shade-grown.

GoCoffeeGo’s collection of dark French roasts also includes the French Royale. This coffee is roasted by the award-winning Tony’s Coffee, another roaster known for their focus on organic and fair trade coffees. As it turns out, GoCoffeeGo supports a lot of these roasters, and will help you support them too! As for the blend itself, the French Royale is a rich coffee with notes of a deep-roasted, layered sweetness. It’s perfect for a snow day! (Hey, sometimes we get those in March and April. You never know!)

GoCoffeeGo’s online store stocks many other varieties of hard-to-find blends and single-origin coffees. With over 10 million customers, GoCoffeeGo prides itself on being the premier niche marketplace for artisan coffee.

A satisfied customer said: “The real reason I've been able to sample more than a few coffees is because of the ability to do it through one place: GoCoffeeGo. All my bags were roasted on the same day the order was placed and arrived in two days.”

Seriously, try walking into a commercial coffee shop and asking for one of these blends. Chances are, they don’t stock it. But GoCoffeeGo does. The coffees listed on GoCoffeeGo’s store aren’t just hard-to-find—they’re the best of the best. They were hand-picked by the connoisseurs behind the biggest online specialty coffee shop, after all!

And you can get a taste of that coffee too. Just visit https://www.gocoffeego.com/search/?q=French+Roast to get started!

GoCoffeeGo LLC 2027 Fillmore Street Suite GoCoffeeGo, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States Website http://www.gocoffeego.com Phone +1-415-225-6544
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