Content That Every Indian Wedding Card Contain

Posted by Rahul Jindal
Aug 10, 2019

Indian wedding card contents have a lot of content that is common content that we found in almost every card. The common content on every Indian wedding card is according to different – different religions that exist in India. The content on every Indian wedding card revels that the family in which marriage is going to happen belongs to which religion.

The style of card or the content which is written on the card gives us the hints that the wedding is going to happen in which religion family. Like on the Indian Wedding a card which belongs to a Hindu family you will find a picture of Lord Ganesha and on many cards along with a picture of God Krishna and Goddess Radha.

In Indian families, it is believed that when they start any work their work will get successful with peace and happiness if they start that work by worshipping Lord Ganesh. And the significance of having Lord Krishna and Radha Ji picture is that in Indian history Lord Krishna and Radha Ji is the symbol of true love. Along with pictures of God and Goddess, the Indian Hindu family also wrote the Om word on wedding card along with swastika sign and name of riddhi siddhi on that.

Similarly, if the wedding card is of any other religion like if Indian wedding is taking place in a Christian family, then you will find a picture of the cross and other god and goddess of the Christian family. If the wedding is in Muslim family, then you will find the Muslim religious symbols on their wedding card.

Along with this, another thing that you will find some common text on every Indian wedding invitation card of Indian weddings. The common text that a Hindu religion wedding card contains is “Om Ganeshaye Namo” or “Om Gang Ganpte namhe” and another common text contains “Baal Manohar” and
“Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Garuda Dhwaja,
Mangalam Pundarikaksha Mangalaye Tano Hari”

The other common text that you can find on any Indian wedding invitation card is the schedule of each and every function. Along with the schedule, you will also find the proper venue of each function. Along with this, the Indian wedding card contents the name of the bride and groom along with the name of their grandparents and parents. In the name of the host, you will find the name of first cousins on the Indian Wedding card.

The content is not only written on the card while the cover of the card also contains some content like name of bride and groom and permanent address of groom home if a card belongs from a family where the marriage of a boy takes place or the address of the bride’s home if the wedding is of girl. Apart from this, there is a customization section where the family in which the wedding is going to take place can write the address of the guests along with the name to invite them.


The card if only contains only the name and address of the head of the family then it is considered that an invitation is for one person and if “Sah-Pareevar” is written on the card then the invitation is for the whole family. In this way, the Indian invitation wedding card gives almost every information about the wedding.

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