Posted by Jack Bosma
Jun 3, 2021

This year, with COVID-19, working remotely went from being a relative privilege to being an absolute necessity. But are you doing it correctly? Do you…Have Permission Earlier this year, many non-essential employees worked remotely to help flatten the curve. Since then, some companies have gone back to working full or part-time in a brick-and-mortar office. Make sure you’re not calling in via Skype to meetings your boss would prefer you attend in person. Have a Quiet Space For some, working out of a home office is going to be a great experience – plenty of silence and no coworkers to stifle your concentration. Others, those with kids for example, might not be so lucky. Finding a quiet, professional place to work is 75% of the battle to establish a workable remote work spot. Have a Decent Computer You can work remotely, but that doesn’t mean your IT department can. Most IT personnel are stuck in brick-and-mortar environments with limited ability to address the IT problems of remote workers. So, make sure your computer is up and running well and have the phone number of a remote IT service provider handy. Have the Right Peripherals If you’re not online, you might as well be working from Siberia. Make sure you have a dependable high-bandwidth Internet connection. Also, if you don’t already, you might want to go out and invest in an inexpensive printer (you can get a good one for under $100).Have a Decent Wardrobe Working all day from home, it won’t matter if you’re dressed in a suit or in your ragged street clothes. Keep in mind, however, that poor dressing habits can be noticed via Skype or Zoom meetings. Also, consider dressing up even if you’re not expecting a virtual meeting – it can help you be an effective and productive employee. Have a Set Schedule Working remotely, it can be tempting to shirk your responsibilities. Try to stick to set times for starting work, taking a break, and ending work. Also, you’ve going to be relying heavily on messaging platforms for communications, yet you still need to try to be disciplined and only check your messaging three times a day. Have a Coffee Maker Another benefit of working from home is you’re escaping the office coffee maker. If you don’t have a coffee maker already, go out and invest in a small Keurig device and some coffee pods. Or simply get a kettle for the stovetop. Either way, drinking caffeine-infused beverages will help you get through the day. Have a Webtalk Account Webtalk offers the professionalism of LinkedIn and the casual social networking of Facebook – plus a bunch of other features. However, unlike LinkedIn and Facebook, Webtalk consolidates – yet segregates – your personal and professional networking to help you get the most out of your relationships.

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