Calm Your Soul and Improvise Your Body with Yoga Dance

Posted by Rimi Basu
Feb 22, 2017

Human well being or healthcare has become world’s biggest concern. Where people have become more dedicated towards their health and fitness, there is an extreme increase in the various pollution factors. People go to gyms, aerobic classes, follow diets etc. Heavy workouts or exercise surely are the easiest ways to get a toned body but they won’t give you a peace of mind. People want something that can enhance their body and provide stability or flexibility.

Indian Dance Classes VA

Do you know how that is possible?

The best way that has come out as very famous way to keep your body as well as mind healthy is dance + yoga or Yoga Dance. Basically this idea came from the yoga only and in order to make it more interesting as well as effective, some of the dance moves were mixed with the yoga.

It becomes extremely famous because of its various benefits towards human well being:

Yoga dance can consists of many of the poses in standing position which can help you to growth your muscles stronger- results into strengthening your body. Yoga dancers are most likely to have flexibility. This type of dance includes poses that mainly concentrate on those tight areas which we all have. This will help you to unlock the wider range of movement and also this includes stretches which are generally meant to be held for longer periods, as the result, you realize great benefits and see your body to be less prone to have an injury.

As all the dance forms mainly concentrate on alignment or position, this dance + yoga has one step toward approach. This type of dance needs greater precision. For an instance, you will not focus on your feet putting into parallel position, in fact you have to see that your feet’s outer edges line up with outer edge of your mat and your whole body weight is over the four corners of the feet. And your toes should be equally spread wide on the floor. Thus this dance form focuses on polishing your each alignment and position. You will also learn how precisely your pinky toes are aligned with the floor. It will add more flexibility as well stability to your body and you will learn to stay focus in one position for longer time. You become more aware of your body.

These dance and yoga fusion classes help not only focus on your physical alignment but also on your physical health. The poses will help your body to keep your body parts actives and will have detoxifying effect on the body. Headstands or handstands reverse the blood flow and also redistribute the blood in your whole body. This cleanses your mind as well as body and calms your body by regulating the blood circulation. 

One of the greatest benefits of the yoga dancing is to learn control over your breath. There are so yoga dancers who don’t know who to control their breathing to help power various actions. Even many dancers sometimes forget to breathe while dancing, resulting into more tiredness. Usually the yoga classes start with tuning into the breath and then they focus on lengthening your inhale and exhale. And then you will learn from there to keep steady breathing. this yoga dancing can tell you to  not only learn about the slow breathing but also the more focused breathing which help your mind to stay focused in a pose.

With the healthier body, a health mind is very important. This type of dance will not only correct your posture or makes you healthier but also give you a peace of mind. Only a peaceful mind can give so many innovative ideas. the Yoga dancing gives you a relaxed mind, controlled breathing, and focused breathing and make you aware of each body posture where you can feel the purity and precision of this dance. It lowers down your heart rate as well as blood pressure.

If you want to learn this form of dance with yoga postures then you should concern a professional yoga dancer just like Rimi Basu who has expertise in training people in classical dancing, yoga dancing. She has also given so many dance workshops in VA. Her Indian Dance Classes, VA are quite famous across the world. So, keep dancing and stay healthy.

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