Buying Chairs for Churches

Aug 7, 2018

Chairs have their own importance when we talk about different furniture pieces that are used in houses or offices. It is a fact that chairs are used more in offices and religious organizations as compared to residential buildings. Church, for example, is a religious place where chairs are used regularly by congregation on daily basis. People spend most of their time sitting on chairs, so it becomes important that you buy readily available, or custom wooden chairs of good quality that are comfortable as well as durable.

Following are important considerations to help you choose comfortable and functional chairs for your attendees. Read on to know more about it.

1. Is church chair comfortable for long periods of sit-in?

Many churches use the 60 second rear end test to make a purchasing decision on the type of chairs they will be purchasing. But worshipping does not last 60 seconds. It can take time and you should buy chairs considering an average time spent by an attendee for worshipping. You can use sample church chairs to be used by staff members and church leaders, and ask them to use them for 1-2 hours at a time. Spending prolonged time on sample chairs will give you a good idea about the comfort level of chairs.

2. Who made the church chair?

Obviously someone will make the chairs that you will buy for your church, but who actually made the chairs? It is your job to find it out. There are several domestic chair dealers, distributors, and retailers who actually have nothing to do with actual manufacturing process. They buy it from manufacturers and stick their label on it to give an impression that they are the one who are actually producing it. The best you can do is to buy worship chairs from a reputable, local custom furniture maker's showroom.

3. Is there a warranty certificate?

Do not buy custom made chairs if the seller is not giving you a warranty on them. It is an indication that worship chairs are made of below-par materials and may have some manufacturing defects. It will only create problems for you in the long run. Only buy chairs with a warranty certificate. Manufacturer should claim the responsibility for any manufacturing defects, and replace/repair the worship chairs free of cost.

4. What does the church chair cost?

In most cases, this is the first question asked by church leaders because they have a fixed budget allocated for buying the worship chairs. Every church is looking to buy the best chair possible within its budget. It is true that you get what you pay for, but that does not mean that you cannot have good quality at lower prices.

5. What church chair works best for you, given your church space?

All worship chairs are not same when it comes to their usability and functionality. Wooden chairs cannot be folded, so if you're looking for chairs that you can store after prayers and use the space for other purposes then you should opt for foldable chairs that can easily be folded and stored.

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