Buy Islamic Books Online to Learn about the Religion Islam
Islam is a religion created by Muhammad. Members of Islam worship one God and pursue the instructions of the Quran. The meaning of Islam is "submission to God". Followers of this religion are called Muslims. Quran is known as a divine book in Islam. It is a beautiful book that is a promise as well as warning for Muslims. You may search online to buy divine Islamic books which can guide you in every step of the life.
What is Quran?
The Quran is included with the last words of God. It is the major source of practice and faith of every Muslim. All the subjects regarding human beings such as worship, doctrine, wisdom, law, transactions and others are involved in Quran. The basic part of this divine book involves the relationship between the God and His creations. If you want to educate your child about Islam, it is recommended to search for the Islamic books for kids online.
What does Quran Contain?
A guideline and thorough teaching for appropriate human activities, fair economic structure and a society is there. Quran was discovered to Muhammad in only Arabic. So any translated versions in English or any other language is not a Quran. It is only a translation to understand the meaning of the book. Anyone can buy Islamic books online to get the holy words of the God.
What does it Meant by Tawrat in Islam?
The title Tawrat is provided in the Quran and Muslims follow the book of Moses. The term Tawrat was discovered during Medina era. According to scholars of Muslim, Tawrat represents about unity of God. The Quran shows that the Tawrat belongs to the name of scripture which was discovered after the era of Jacob and Abraham. The book is considered as a caution and a direction for those who fear Allah.
The Zabur According to the Quran
According to Islam, zabur is considered a holy book of Dawud. It is a divine book which was discovered by the God. Some other holy books include Tawrat, injil, and musa. A few Islamic scholars believe that the zabur is alike the biblical book Psalms. The Arabic word zabur means zimrah. It means song music. The Zabur is revealed in the Quran and includes Psalms which belongs to the Old Testament. Zabur is one of the three disclosures of Allah.
You may search online to get the good word Islamic books. Islam is a religion of peace. Quran was revealed fourteen hundreds years ago. Since then the book remains a guide, hope and consolation for Muslims.