Buy Home Appliances from Online Stores While Upgrading your Living Space

Posted by Rupa Aggarwal
Dec 17, 2015
My dad never accepted textbooks as the best means of education. “There are many ways of learning”, he will say. And to ensure that my brothers and I never became mechanical/rote learners, he insisted that we understood all the concepts clearly. Learning with him was fun because there used to be practical activities and projects to understand the concept. I remember one such activity where dad had asked us to count all the home appliances we had at our place and decide which one is more important than the other. My brother and I had a difference of opinion and were in a severe discussion until mom told us how essential all of them were in order to lead a better lifestyle. No matter how much people complain, you would agree that we live in a time where advancement of science and innovative technology has made our life way easier than it used to be for our grandparents.

The reason I remembered this activity is because my mom and dad have decided to upgrade the electronic appliances we had at our home. And looking at the convenience and economical price range, they have planned to order the home appliances products online. Believe it or not, online websites have made it a lot easier for people to keep their house technologically updated with new and energy efficient models of home appliances. You can check the list of appliances below and take a call on which ones might need replacing.

Must Have Home Appliances For Every Family

Refrigerator - They are the ones who fulfill your craving for icecream at 2 O'clock in the night and keep your sweets fresh so that you can eat one everyday. Besides, buying vegetables at a time for a week is more convenient, don’t you think?

Washing Machine - No more running from the kitchen in the middle of cooking just for switching off your old semi-automatic washing machine. The advanced automatic models have fuzzy logic technology, which checks the type of load. And then the machine fills the required amount of water, washes, rinses and dries your clothes too without disturbing you.

Water Purifiers - May be your old water purifier does clean the dirt particles, but the new models remove pesticides, chlorine, harmful chemicals, arsenic, nitrates, disease causing organisms and other water contaminants. The activated carbons, UV and RO filters strive to provide you pure water all the time.

Vacuum Cleaner - A clean and dust-free home is always essential to keep the allergies at bay and stay healthy. If you are not happy with your maid’s way of cleaning then get a peace of mind by vacuum cleaning your home.

Water Heater - Immersion rods are not enough, when the entire family needs hot water. With an instant water heating geyser, no one shies away from taking a bath and hence, stay clean.

Fans - It might seem that an AC can replace fans, but the truth is they will always be around. The feeling of cool air on your face and body is addictive which always helps you relax.

Emergency Lights - Don’t let the kids find an excuse to not do their homework. Have emergency lights at your place so that your routine doesn’t get affected by a power outage.

Like my parents, I would suggest you to buy home appliances online too for a seamless shopping experience. You compare and select the models from popular brands, place the order and a few days later, they arrive at your doorstep. How cool is that!

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