Blow the Whistle the Right Way to Maximize Your Chance for a Whistleblower Award

Posted by Brown LLC
Nov 26, 2020

The Federal and State governments’ healthcare programs pay based upon a bare electronic submission indicating that particular service or supplies were in truth rendered or furnished, but are cross checked through whistleblower lawyers navigating the False Claims Act. The health care programs rely upon the physicians and other healthcare providers to exercise independent judgment in the best interest of the patient, not the best interest of their own wallets.

Medicare program was created as part of the Social Security Act (SSA) in 1965 which is administered by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The act has been amended and expanded many times since then. Although efforts have been made to curtail Medicare fraud, we still have a long way to go.

Fraud happens whenever medical providers such as hospitals, pharmacies, medical offices, nursing homes, ambulance and EMS services, medical equipment manufacturers, diagnostic laboratories, pharmaceutical companies etc. defraud a government healthcare program such as Medicaid, Medicare or TRICARE.

Medicare or Medicaid fraud can occur in a variety of ways, such as:

Hospital fraud: The government healthcare program is charged at higher rates by the medical service by altering the dates and times, exaggerating symptoms, and submitting ineligible claims and patients.

Billing schemes: This can include upcoding which refers to billing for a complex procedure when a minor one was performed, and unbundling, in which case services are billed separately that should have been billed together.

Ambulance and EMS scams: This includes billing for full-service transportation when only a medical assistance van required, entering into illegal deals with hospitals, and providing medically unnecessary transport to the patients.

Kickbacks: This includes giving illegal incentives to other entities including service providers in exchange for patient referrals. Also, self-dealing, when a practice refers the patient to another entity they own without fully disclosing the relationship.

Medical necessity fraud: It refers to the practice wherein a provider misrepresents a patient’s symptoms or diagnosis in order to bill for services that were not needed.

Opioid: Over prescription and continued patient addiction to opioids for the profit of the provider is a hot button topic.

Pharmaceutical Scams: In addition to kickbacks given to prescribers to use the product, some companies falsify their data and research or promote the product with off-label usage to maximize prescriptions, but undermine the FDA.

Reporting under the False Claims Act

The False Claims Act (FCA) provides you a pathway for reporting Medicare fraud safely under seal which is initially you’re anonymous to the Defendant. However, it is important to blow the whistle the right way to maximize your possible monetary award  and Brown LLC’s Medicare fraud lawyer can help you to file a whistleblower lawsuit or qui tam on behalf of the government to put a stop to the Medicare and Medicaid frauds. The FCA also protects the whistleblower from workplace retaliation, so your employer is prohibited by law to harass you in any way for reporting Medicare and/or Medicaid fraud when they find out about the complaint down the road.

In addition to the False Claims Act, there are specific statutes such as the SEC whistleblower law, Illinois private insurance statute and California private insurance statute under which a Medicare fraud lawyer may seek an award for a whistleblower with a substantial insider insight about the fraud. Moreover, once the information is provided by the whistleblower to the regulator such as SEC, there are different mechanisms and rights, and the SEC with an SEC whistleblower lawyer you can potentially stay anonymous from start to finish.

How to hire the best whistleblower attorney

The best whistleblower attorney at Brown LLC will advocate for the highest possible monetary award, which could be anything between 15 percent to 30 percent of the money recovered by the government or more with the state statutes in a successful whistleblower lawsuit, known as a qui tam. As such, a whistleblower can potentially receive millions of dollars in the award for their efforts and courage, if the case is successful.

A Medicare whistleblower lawyer will vet the claims based on what the insider provides before any information is submitted to the government.

Blow the whistle in the right way for success with your  qui tam lawsuit

Also, it is important to act fast as only the first whistleblower who comes with new and substantially intimate information about the fraud is entitled to the award. It is important to preserve the copies of the documents outside of your workplace and remain quiet until you are advised so by the Medicare fraud lawyer.

So, if you are an insider with information about fraud at your workplace in which the entity is falsely billing the government or private insurance in California or Illinois, you can talk to Brown LLC’s Medicare fraud lawyer about it. Although it may be tempting to report the fraud to the government directly, it may slow down the investigation and will harm your prospects of earning an award. More than blowing the whistle, it is important to blow it in the right way. Brown LLC’s best whistleblower attorney will guide you all through filing a lawsuit and successfully claim the maximum amount in the award for you.
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