Best Tips To Prevent Your Carpet From Making You Sick

Posted by Dan D.
Oct 10, 2017

Sometimes, carpets look just old even though they weren’t meant to be so. Unfortunately, this can pose a significant health risk. The carpet is just one of the most common places in the home with the highest number of germs. Having an unclean carpet in the home can make anyone ill because it’s a safe haven for dangerous germs such as the norovirus and dust mites.

 As an important part of the home, it is essentially important to clean your carpet regularly. Aside from making your home look great, clean carpets can keep you strong and healthy. Just so you know, a dirty carpet can worsen existing skin problems and even cause more health issues. You are more likely to experience certain health challenges like asthma and allergies when you keep a dirty carpet at home.

 The best way to identify a dirty carpet is to look out for unusual smells. There should be no unpleasant and musty odor emanating from your carpet if you must prevent yourself from getting sick. Mold is a common cause of health problems found in carpet and they can cause an unpleasant smell. Don’t hesitate to call a professional if you suspect mold in your home.

 Here are some helpful tips to prevent your carpet from making you sick.

 1. Use a doormat

 Using a doormat can greatly help to minimize the amount of dirt and debris coming into your home. Interestingly, the mat for wiping shoes is not expensive. With just a few dollars spent on buying a doormat, you can prevent your carpet from untimely deterioration and damage.

 2. Ensure regular cleanup

 You will need to ensure that your carpet is cleaned up regularly. Don’t hesitate to clean off spills and stains from your carpet. This will go a long way in reducing the number of accumulated bacteria in your carpet. Get some professional carpet cleaning services for an effective cleanup.

 3. Get your carpet professionally cleaned

 Getting your carpet professionally cleaned is recommended. Regardless of how meticulous you are about vacuuming your carpet, it is good to seek the services of a reputable carpet cleaning Baton Rouge company to professionally clean your carpet. Without the use of any chemicals, your carpet can be effectively cleaned via an efficient hot water extraction technique.

 4. Use vacuum cleaners with HEPA filter

 It doesn’t matter how often you vacuum your carpet in a week, what matters is how clean it becomes. With pets in the home, it is expedient to clean your carpet regularly. Using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter would make a great option. Unlike most traditional vacuum cleaners, these cleaners have proven to be more effective at getting rid of dirt, dust, and debris from carpets. Any carpet cleaning company Baton Rouge can clean your carpet with a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter. 

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