Best Share Market Company in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi

Posted by ICFM India
Dec 23, 2021

There is no shortcut to success, but there is an easy way to make money, Cryptocurrency, bitcoins are trending these days and the number of people investing in the same is on a rise as well. Investing in shares and debentures is quite easy and more and more people prefer the same for quick money. Of the available share market companies, ICFM India is one of the reliable and the best share market company in India. For beginners, there is no more easy and lucrative way for money making as unlike other investments, investing in shares is minimal and also liquidation is also convenient.

What is share and share market?

In layman’s language, share is not more than a kind of ownership of a firm which is divided into small units. This small unit is called share or stock. So, share market is a marketplace where these shares can be purchased or sold. Owing to recent technical outburst, unlike earlier times, such trading need not be done physically but from anywhere- one just needs a demat account for share marketing. One can invest in share market for as long as he/she wishes or depending on needs. To learn the easiest ways and the right companies, one need to learn from no less than the best share market company that provides training with real time practical exposures.

Basic terminology associated with shares and share marketing

Before jumping into share trading, one must be aware of basic definitions or terms associated with the business.

  • Index – There are 2 types of indices namely Nifty and Sensex. Index basically indicates the direction of the entire market. The former type of index includes around 50 shares whereas the latter has 30.
  • Stock Exchange – This is the market where share trading takes place. National Stock Exchange or NSE and Bombay Stock Exchange or BSE
  • Depository – It is an organization that secures an investor’s securities or assets be it forex or stocks. All assets are stored and secured in electronic form. There are two organizations prevalent in the country i.e., National Securities Depository Ltd. or NSDL and Central Depository Services India Ltd. or CDSL
  • DEMAT – It is abbreviated form for dematerialization and is a process by which shares can be converted into electronic form
  • Share Broker – The person who acts as a share broker is a participant of the stock exchange only. He can buy or sell shares for himself or on the behalf of his clients
  • Margin Trading – It is the process of purchasing the shares without any money via future market

The best share market company teaches the basic of risks as well that includes both alpha and beta parameters, where beta indicates market risks and alpha affects a trader’s skill is stock selection.

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