Best Schools for a Massage Certificate Program

Posted by Judi Booker
Nov 28, 2017

Are you considering a career in massage? Maybe you don’t know where to start when doing research to find the best school for a massage certificate program. Probably at this point you’re not quite sure what questions to even ask. You might be asking, which massage school in California will meet my needs? Here are some common questions the prospective massage student may ask and some answers.

Question: How Long Does it Take to Become a Massage Therapist?

Most states require message therapists to be licensed, though requirements vary from state to state. The hours required range from 330 to 1,000 hours - minimum. Depending on where you live and plan to work you could obtain a license in a few weeks or up to two years.

To become a Certified Message Therapist in California – a CMT – you must have at least 500 hours of education. At least 250 must come from a school that is approved and the remainder can come from either an approved school or a provider of continuing education. Some certificate programs can be as short as six months and provide the entire 500 hours required for license.

Question: What Should I Look for in Course Content?

Course contents should include basics such as anatomy, physiology and diagnosis. You also want a diverse program that offers modalities in Swedish massage, stone massage, and deep tissue massage and soft tissue techniques. Yoga would be a great addition to a program as well as coursework in basic wellness.

Since half of all massage therapists are self-employed, look for programs that include business operation and marketing practices. A quality program will also include studies in ethics and professionalism

Question: Will My Education Pay-off?

Massage therapist certificate programs can cost upward of $10,000 or more. This question is important when choosing the best schools in order to be ready for the best jobs.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately half of all message therapists were self-employed in 2014. The places they worked were very diverse: spas, physicians’ offices, fitness centers, in private homes through scheduled appointments, clinics, hotels, and some work out of their private homes. The top 10% earned an annual salary of $69,070 with pay varying widely between providers. For example, the best paid therapists are employed by ambulatory health care service at an average salary of $58,640 per year.

Question: What are Other Considerations?

Some considerations such as reputation are hard to measure. A school’s reputation is built over many years. What do those working in the industry think of the quality of the school’s program, and what do employers think of that school when making hiring decisions? Do they think of the school’s quality based on those hired from that educational institution?

Which massage school in California will meet your needs? These are some considerations: time for completion, course content, the pay-off for your investment, and reputation in the industry. Certainly, there are other considerations unique to every individual’s situation and you are the best judge of them. So, start getting answers to your questions and get yourself enrolled in the best massage program.  

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