Best Results with Fat Freeze Singapore

Posted by Willie C.
Jan 31, 2019


Wellaholic Singapore Fat Freeze

A common question that we get from our WellaFreeze Fat Freeze customers is, "What results will I get from WellaFreeze?" 

WellaFreeze is an effective, non-surgical treatment for the reduction of body fat. You could achieve a visible reduction of the pocket or bulge of fat following a fat freeze treatment. 

Everyone is different and results can vary depending on –
  • How your body naturally responds to the treatment
  • The original size of the fat pocket
  • Your lifestyle habits following the treatment

During the treatment the fat cells are frozen, causing the cells to crystalise and then die. Your body naturally removes the dead cells through its normal elimination process via the lymphatic system. We always recommend you allow about 4 to 8 weeks to see your results; results can continue to improve for up to 12 weeks following your treatment. However, we have some clients who start to see results appearing from as early as 3 or 4 weeks. It is important to be patient as the body needs time to purge the frozen cells away. 


  • Maintain your weight
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Drink at least 2.5 litres of water / fluid to support your lymphatic system
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine to no more than 2 cups a day
  • Reduce your alcohol intake to 1 or 2 drinks per week
  • Be active

Physical activity or exercise is beneficial on all levels for overall health and weight management. Regular exercise also supports your lymphatic system as the pumping action of your muscles created during movement and activity supports the lymphatic circulation.

Whilst cryolipolysis destroys fat cells, it does not remove all the fat cells in the treated area. Therefore any weight gained between your treatment and your follow-up consultation/treatment might negatively affect your results.

After 4 weeks, a further treatment is required to achieve a greater reduction of fat. The same area can be treated multiple times if required but care would be taken so that the area was not over treated.

The ideal candidate for cryolipolysis has a BMI of 30 or below, who has stubborn areas of soft subcutaneous fat that does not respond to diet and exercise. That said, fat freezing does work on clients with higher BMI’s but with the understanding that multiple treatments on the same area will be required to achieve the desired results. Cryolipolysis is not a subsitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. For our larger clients we often incorporate a combination of our weight loss programme alongside a bespoke treatment programme.

We typically find that investing in a cryolipolysis treatment naturally motivates our clients to take better care of their health and improve their lifestyle habits.
To find out more, visit Wellaholic website here
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