Best Chest Specialist In Mumbai

Posted by Nanavati Hospital
Apr 27, 2021

9 Ways To Better Care For Your Heart

Unhealthy eating habits, hectic lifestyles and loss of mental peace - all this and more has a detrimental effect on our heart. Cardiovascular diseases are processes caused by the combination of two or more detrimental factors, known as risk factors. The most common factors are hypertension, high blood cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and obesity. Among them, obesity and diabetes stand out since they have been the most complex diseases of the 21st century. In fact, the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is becoming more and more frequent, that is, that a person has several risk factors together with abdominal obesity. Additionally, new risk factors such as sleep apnea, stress or drug use are emerging.


In this sense, one needs to embrace certain habits that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And no. It is never too late to start changing your lifestyle towards a healthier heart. The best pulmonologists in Mumbai agree that no matter your age, adopting appropriate lifestyle habits that take care of your cardiovascular health can prevent the development of a cardiovascular event by up to 90 percent. Accordingly, here are nine ways (or lifestyle changes) you can embrace to take better care of your heart.

1) Follow a varied & balanced diet: Your diet should include all the food groups in the recommended amounts and proportions: cereals (preferably whole grains), legumes, fruits, vegetables and vegetables, in combination with fish, lean meats such as pork or poultry without skin, nuts and olive oil as the main cooking ingredient. Additionally, it is recommended to moderate the consumption of fatty meats and processed products.

2) Opt for simple cooking: Roasting, steaming, grilling or boiling are culinary techniques that allow you to reduce the amount of fat in cooking. Likewise, it is recommended to remove the visible fat from the pieces of meat before cooking, defat the broths and moderate the consumption of fried foods, which should preferably be made with olive oil and remove excess fat with absorbent paper.

3) Maintain good habits outside the home: If you eat in a restaurant, it is recommended to choose healthy side dishes. Opting for salads, vegetables or grilled meats and fish, avoiding stews or strong dishes with fatty sauces, and choosing natural fruit for dessert are some of the keys that help take care of eating even outside the home.

4) Monitor your fitness: Keep a tab on your cardiovascular health by visiting the best asthma specialist doctor in Mumbai every month. The medical professional will perform checkups, solve all your doubts in this regard and advise you on how to adopt appropriate preventive measures.

5) Know the symptoms: When it comes to treating the heart, time plays a fundamental role. Therefore, knowing the symptoms of any condition you suffer from helps identify it quickly and receive urgent medical treatment, facilitating treatment and promoting a positive prognosis.

6) Lead an active life: Incorporate little tricks into your day to day to increase activity, such as taking the stairs, getting off a stop before the bus and walking, or commuting by bicycle. Also, practice at least 30 minutes a day of exercise. Choosing the one that best suits the condition and tastes of each one helps to be regular.

7) Control your weight : Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and try to keep it below 25.

BMI = Weight (kg) / height (m) 2

8) Stop smoking and drinking: Smoking multiplies the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk. If you have difficulty quitting, consult the best chest specialist in Mumbai about the different strategies to follow to achieve success.

9) Reduce stress: Set aside time every day for yourself. Enjoy the hobbies that make you feel good. Reading a book, meeting friends or going for a walk - these are all small ways to de-stress your mind.

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