Best Airbnb clone script for instant business start

Posted by Bella Aellen
Nov 14, 2022

What is Airbnb Clone?

Airbnb is actually an online platform that helps people to list and rent their properties. A replica software or an alternate software that has maximum features of Airbnb is called as Airbnb Clone script.

How Airbnb clone got popular?

Airbnb After the massive hit of Airbnb, people started developing and buying products like Airbnb.

Where to find best clone product of Airbnb?

Apptunix presents the best Airbnb clone script in the name as “HYRA”. Hyra is extremely designed with awful responsive and developed through latest trending technologies.

How it works?

Hyra has 3 type of user logins.

1. Admin(Owner of the platform/website)

2. Host(Owner of the property)

3. Guest(Person who rents the property)

Admin will have the total control of the website. He will have the Admin access to the website, through that he/she can control and design the entire website.

Host can login into the website and list their properties with some information and photographs. Also they can fix pricing for their properties.

Guest can login and book any places they want to rent by “property search function” in the website. Guest can make a payment for the place he would like to rent through the website.

That amount will goes to Admin. A percentage of amount for using this platform will be taken from admin and the remaining will be sent out to host.

This is how (Hyra) script is working.

Hope you understand about clone script and how it works.

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