Become A Certified DISC Behavior Assessment & Personality Training Instructor With This Course

Posted by PRC Agency
Aug 1, 2018

The LEM Group/ Personality Insights announced a two-day training session in the practical applications of the DISC Model of Human Behavior. The course offers successful participants an official Personality Insights DISC Trainer certificate, allowing them to apply the DISC model to improve their communication, productivity and relationship development skills, and become an accredited trainer in association with the Personality Insights Institute.

More information can be found at

The DISC theory was introduced by William Moulton Marston, a leading American psychologist, and centers on four behavioral traits: dominance, inducement, submission and compliance. The model has been used to find the most appropriate course of actions in team leadership problems based on the specific behavioral profile of each member.

The new course offered by The LEM Group/Personality Insights aims to provide participants with the comprehensive theoretical and practical training necessary to become a successful DISC Trainer.

By enabling participants to assess the most common patterns of behavior for both themselves and their team members, the course provides the foundations for understanding potential problem solving and communication difficulties, overcoming day-to-day challenges, and implementing optimal strategies to streamline the efficiency of overall decision making processes.

According to the official DISC Americas website, successful completion of the two-day course offers a wide range of benefits for participants, helping them develop essential skills in areas ranging from communication and interpersonal management to business strategy and leadership. The course offers practical tips on how to enhance team dynamics, communicate more effectively, administer and analyze DISC assessment tests, and teach DISC-based principles to their colleagues and other interested individuals.

The course will be taught by Bernardo Rossello, a Personality Insights Master Trainer with a Masters in Adult Education and Distance learning and extensive experience working with a diverse range of clients.

Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.

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