Be Aware Of Web Vulnerabilities from Security Attacks
Whenever we talk about the subject of Internet security, we always are reminded about the anti-virus programs and other security services. Besides the regular virus threats faced by the users, new threats are coming out in the form of web-based attacks causing problems for businesses, communities and the individual users. This situation compels everyone to be aware of various forms of attacks that a web-based system could encounter. According to the Information security consulting experts, gaining some amount of knowledge of these attacks can go a long way in avoiding instances of contaminated website applications.
Hackers have a variety of options for attacking the web applications. They always try to attack the websites under few common categories. For the benefit of the readers and the website owners, few of these common attacking vectors are discussed below.
1. SQL Injection Attack: Through this SQL injection attack hackers try to gain access by injecting unwanted scripts into the web pages. With this type of attack, they can enter the database and destroy the entire database. This invasion occurs when the malicious SQL reports are mainly inserted in the form field in order to procure information from the database. With this injection, hackers can able to modify or destroy the information in the database. Alterations can be done in many areas like pricing as well as gaining access to personal information of the clients.
2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This is yet another form of attack on the websites or applications like the injection attack discussed earlier, but it takes away the script protocol to a next step by continuing to extend service to the end users. This XSS happens when the malicious codes are inserted into the web applications which execute the client’s end. Interestingly the scripts can then be executed without altering application’s original functionality. During this attack, the hackers can craft codes which automatically execute when other users open the same web application.
3. Brute Force: This type of attack is considered to be one of the common web application security threat by de-stabilizing the web page or the service provider. Such an attack is administered by overloading the overall framework of the web application. Wherever a form is used for logging in, it is always possible to write some unique scripts which try various username and password combinations till the match is found and the hackers gain access at this point.
When it comes to website security, websites can be under attack in spite of the best practices are in place. Hence website owners should be smart enough in handling this perennial attacks and lack of awareness cannot be claimed as an excuse. A high-quality Information security training could help the users, especially the website owners in implementing some attack-specific solutions such as using CAPTCHA, Web Application Firewall (WAF). Each of these solutions brings its own value in protecting against the attack scenarios. Hence experts suggest that a combination of all these solutions should be used in protecting your websites and web applications.